
Why do you practice judo?

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For Sport, self defence, or exercise?




  1. i did because it was fun, but now i found a gym closer to my home that has kickboxing and submission wrestling so i go there now, still fun and a good work out

  2. i wish i was practicing judo. if i was, i would do it for the self defense.

  3. to learn judo

  4. Self defense. I don't like to consider martial arts as sports.

  5. Ok, threw the guy through his Corvette windshield...umm sure he did.. sounds dramatic...Also does not sound like Judo mentality.

    I have been practicing Judo for a decade now and started in wrestling before. The answer is that I practice Judo because:

    1- Excercise= No sport gives the amount of excersise all over your body than Judo. It hurts, you get sore, and you can not get the same workout at any gym hands down.

    2-Sport= I am competative and like the tournaments. Nowhere else can I get the adrenaline rush (butterflies) that I get b4 going into a match. I love the technicality of it, and the endurance needed. It is like a physical game of chess. Be smart and fit.

    3- Self-Defense= This is one of the best self defense arts you can learn. A simple throw like Uchi-Mata or Harai Goshi acna induce enough force to break bones and knock them unconsious (outside and using an untrained attacker) Nothing matched my confidence as I walked through the yard of Folsom Prison 3 months ago for corrections jobs around 100 inmates. I knew I could handle up to 3 before anything happened. But nothing happened. I hope I do not have to use it becuase the skill can be very dangerous to others.

    4- Stress= I get stress and depressed. Honestly, I use practicce to burn it off. Practices are ahrder than any other sport. Ours are 2.5 hrs min of non stop work. Sometimes I need it to get rid of the stress.

    5- Friends= I don't have any real friends outside of the dojo. Hollow ones yes but not real. The type of people I am around in Judo are much different than others. Mutual Welffare and Benefit taught By Jigoro Kano is ingrained in good Judokas. I would reccommend Judo to anyone.

    P.S. The intense excercise wards of pain throough endorphines. It is like being on a drug (healthy). I collapsed witha toprn disk 3 years ago and Judo has again saved me. I competed over the last year highly in Judo with no problems.

    That is why I practice Judo.

  6. When I was a teen and first began judo, I had no ideal what judo was about. But I began to enjoy everything about it. I enjoyed learning the self defense. I enjoyed the competition. I enjoyed the fellowship of other judokas. I enjoyed the hard workouts.

    In our class we did learn self defense. I thought all classes were like our. later as an adult I discovered that they all weren't the same. I had an incident were a guy tried to hit me, but the hand that threw the punch became the hand that led him to the ground. Another guy in our club was going to a mall. He saw a guy abusing his girlfriend. Although it was none of his so-called business. He stepped up to the plate to defend her. The guy was upset and tried to hit him. He threw the guy through his corvette windshield. The guy tried to sue him, but later dropped the suit in order to keep his girlfriend from filing charges against him.

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