
Why do you "protect" celebrities?

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Its not like if you know them for who they really are. I see questions on here mostly about all the Disney celebs and most say " Miley is awsome and such a nice and sweet girl... stop hating in her" I mean COMMON ! ... you look like idiots writting this c**p on here... GROW UP! hate them or love them ... why do you "protect" someone who doesnt give a ---- about you?




  1. in all honesty,

    I don't give a c**p if people write things like that.  It's their opinion and they can express it just like your expressing yours right now.

  2. idk...the only ones who realy should be protecting her and bashing her are the ones who know her....but we all do it any way so it doesn'y matter....

  3. they're just kids. its a phase- it'll pass. they haven't quite maturedd yet on all levels..and sometimes feel a close bond between someone they see often, yet don't really know.

  4. Because, here comes the cheesyness, they are people too.

    I cant stand the word celebrities, or the term celebs, haha, theyre just awful words!!

  5. why do you "hate" "insult" them its not like you know them..Miley is a  s**t and takes gross pictures and is a bad influence...I mean COMMON! look like idiots writing this c**p about her..GROW UP!hate them or love them..why do you "insult or "hate" someone who doenst give a ------------ about you!!

    you see its the same thing.

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