
Why do you run??

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What is your purpose for running is it too lose weight, get fit you are training for an event????

What do you love about running??




  1. i like the way it feels

    also, i just do it to have nice glowing skin

  2. it feels tough when you half way through a run but when you have finished you feel so good and on a high

  3. I run because I am on the XC team at my high school. I love running because it keeps me in shape and it is a good stress relief.

  4. so i can eat as much as i want and not gain weight :) seriously.

    i run track and cross country in high school, which looks good on college applications but i really just do it so i dont become obese. and it is fun.

  5. I don't run to lose weight.  Well I suppose I'm always training for my races but I don't think of it that way.  I just love it.

    I think of it as getting self-satisfaction.  The feeling of adding another mile.  Finishing that last mile.  I feel so accomplished!  As if I can do anything.

    When you fight through the pain in your legs.  Mind wins over body.  I feel so strong internally.

    I love it after you pushed yourself for miles, your shirt is all sweaty.  It's like proof of how hard you worked.  And it feels like I sweat out all the toxins and evils in my body.  My body feels so pure.

  6. I started running for health reasons.  Since the heart is a muscle you can make it stronger through exercise.  Now my big reason it makes me feel good.  It also allows me to eat and drink a little without gaining weight.  As Paul Newman used to say I run two miles a day because I like my beer.  I started running in 1967 before there were running shoes.  I saw these old men around with skinny legs, a shuffle, and their belly hanging over their belt and said that ain't going to be me.  Now if I do not run I get grumpy.  What is important is engaging in some kind of physical activity.  Walking, swimming, biking, etc. and making a life commitment to it.

  7. i <3 to run because u could be having the worst day and then u run and it doesnt seem so bad anymore.  When u run  its proved that u sweat out chemicals that make u stressed, upset, and agravatted.

  8. my mom made me, to lose weight, and i like the cross country meets, the excitement, the rush before a run.

  9. 1. not to be cocky, but i am very fast and i win lots of races

    2. it makes me feel happy

    3. it keeps me in shape

    4. i do track and cross country

    5.  running in p.e. is  easy

    6. i like to win

    7. gives me something to do

    8. my grandpa was a great runner, and i want to follow in his


    9. it keeps me close to my dad (personal coach)

    10. i have lots of running in my blood

  10. I run just to know i'm faster then a lot of people out there and try to get faster. i love that i'm fast.

  11. It's funny when I started out in my mid teens, I used to look at people and wonder why they would pound the pavement, endlessly looking puffed out and red, sweating people looking at them like they were mad?! My opinion changed when I started a course at college prior to joining the military, I started running 25 mins three times a week, lol I thought that was hard at the time! when ever I get down or have a bad day, I take to the road... It honestly makes me high, and clears my head. Put on the Ipod and go for it...

    why do people need drugs, when you can run?

  12. mental and physical health.   the rush!

  13. i like the competition!

  14. Get The old ticker (heart) working hard. I don't feel like dying from a heart related problem, nor do I feel like having heart problems when I'm an old man.
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