
Why do you still block people from answering your question? are you that intimidated or just that immature?

by  |  earlier

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my guess is both




  1. Hi Nuff :)   I think I can guess who this might be about. I attribute it to cowardice, but that's just my guess. You may be right, though, that it could just be immaturity, especially considering that he has posted questions pointedly about a certain group of people that he has taken care to block from answering. I think most kids go through a phase where they want to be in an exclusive "club" where they refuse to tolerate dissenting opinions or "different" people, and this person may have not grown out of that phase.

    NOTE: This same person will undoubtedly report your question as well. Just a heads up in case it disappears.

  2. This is a funny question. It's almost like a s***w you kind of thing. Right on person -thumbs up- =D

  3. They block because they are intimidated by the truth.

  4. Yeah, it's really annoying when someone directs a question at skeptics but has blocked all the skeptics from reading or replying to the question.  Then they can gloat that no one was able to argue their point (which didn't make any sense to begin with).  It's just like the intelligent design camp's blogs - they blocked every commenter who disagreed with them.

    EDIT:  I agree with TR - get ready to see your question deleted.  Every question I've posted in this section ended up being deleted, even though they were valid questions with many thoughtful answers and even stars.  He's right, it's cowardice.  If you can't defend your position without making stuff up and silencing everyone who disagrees with you, then you've got a problem.

  5. I block some people on YA, but I haven't blocked any regulars from this section. A block would have to be for some sort of personal attack, not for having a different point of view.

    Also, I can certainly be immature if there's a laugh in it for me!

    (You're not talking about me, are you?)

  6. I've only blocked one person..someone who blocked me because they thought I was giving them thumbs down or something. I never could figure it out. Not that I never do anything wrong...I do..but sometimes I get blamed for what others do. That doesn't seem like karma..but maybe it is. Anyway..I didn't want them reporting me ..esp. for nothing..just because they don't like me. You can still give thumbs even if you're blocked..and I've sure been getting them.  Maybe ya'll ought to email each other and talk it out in private. There might just be misunderstandings involved.  There are a lot of skeptics that I don't like answering my questions...but I'm not going to block them . I rarely even give them thumbs down..because they're only giving their opinions.

    Edit..Here comes the avalanche!!!

    Edit..I don't have to block the skeptics now! I have on my yellow aluminum beanie!!! I can't hear you!!♫

  7. Maybe you are more tolerant of some of the ignorant & really rude answers.  KUDOS, but you are a very nice person anyway!!

      Some comming from "dips" but most comming from self-proclaimed "Educated" people.To me that is intollerable.

    I don't mind any skeptic at all but maybe if they used the "so-called" education that they claim to have to answer a question with some intellegance.

    I remember some so-called "educated" people proclaiming that people who believed or experienced Spirit activity had some kind of "Mental" problem or "Medical" problem, because "They" don't believe it exsists.

    Don't you think that is a little presumtuous?  Then what would make things worse, they will stalk you  to all of your questions & contiune their rant of how crazy you are for believing or having experiences.

    One can only take so much!!!  BTW, isn't Science all about the study of the unkown?  

    You, yourself Nuff, by all rights you are a skeptic.  You see tho, you have some class & tact.  That makes a huge difference when you go in to seek answers with open eyes as opposed to completely closing your mind.

    Glad to see you stirring the Pot some!!!  :-))))

  8. The only people I have ever blocked were reporter trolls.

    And at one time this room was running rampant with them.

    Granted, I think about 4 of them have changed their identities because they were blocked by a few in here.

    But this room is also a battlefield in regards to religion.

    And like Eri stated: even if you posted a legitimate question, there were shitheads in here that would report the question just because of the poster.........not necessarily the content of the question.

  9. If you can't play nice  boys then go stand in the virtual corner. No one should ever block anyone except when they violate the rules.  This is a central point in the world for the free exchange of ideas, pro or con, everyone has the right to their opinion.  Have you any idea that this thing is bigger then we are?  People dreamed about this type of open communication on a world level from the time of the Greek philosophers. I guess we are lucky that small minded people can't burn this down like the Romans did to the great library of Alexandria.

  10. I don't block anyone from answering my questions, why the h**l post one in the first place?  Oh, this sounds like a situation where you had to be there!!  Guess I'll just slip out quietly!!! bye! ♥

    EDIT:  Now that I have had a chance to think about it I would say that they are chicken sh*t IMO...

    And you're right, they can block whomever they want, but not because there is no dissenting opinion and not so that no one will know, thanks to this, your question!!

  11. If you're asking who I think you are.It's to eliminate dissenting opinions.Censorship on a small and petty scale.

  12. I go to answer a question sometimes and I think i am blocked. I guess whoever blocked me did not like something i said. Oh Well.

  13. I let everyone answer my questions.i have not ignored anyone yet

  14. I use the blocking feature as a reminder that this user does not deserve my time and effort to give them an answer.  That they can't "see" my questions and other ramifications of the block are immaterial to me.  It is only a "bookmark".  Perhaps there are other ways to achieve that effect on this site w/o blocking them.

    For example: I block users who chooses a "friend"'s nonsense answer to give them 10 points.


    A person who promises 10 points for a quick detailed answer and then does not pay anyone who takes the time to respond with one (they don't have to pick mine, but that question should not "go to vote".)


    A user reports me for "insulting" them by suggesting that they should "go for extra help" or "are behind" or "have large holes in their knowledge" that prevent them from answering their own question.

    I am not trying to "punish" them just avoid them in the  future since there are so many users who approach this site as an alternative (to the classroom) modality to exchanging knowledge, teaching, and learning.


  15. your guess is garbage.  you are just paranoid.

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