
Why do you stop at voting then?

by  |  earlier

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So many people take the stance that "if you don't vote than you can't complain." That is to say that the only power we have lies souly in the vote we cast. To say so confidently would also be ignoring the flaws in our voting system which we know to exist. We recently witnessed an election turn into a selection when Bush took office regardless of votes.

All of this being said, and all of this being fairly common knowledge, where do people get off with such arrogance. To look at someone as if they are standing idly by while you're out changing the world with your vote. Who are you to speak? You are the ones that have accepted such an insignificant role in where the country is headed. You accepted your role when you exchanged all your power for a single push of a button. If you are so politicaly inclined than get out there and do more. Don't hide behind a single vote that only counts if you vote for the "right" candidate. Take an active role in the direction the world is headed!




  1. You heard what I said, I'm voting for FRED!

  2. its called instilling fear and both parties have been doing it for decades with great success. fear is a great motivator. imagine if they held an election and no one came? what would happen if no one was voted into office anywhere, who would take over? it would certainly be an interesting situation to see.  personally i think having no one in office is better than having many of the democrats and republicans in or running for office...

  3. The "if you don't vote than you can't complain" mantra was given to me by a family member who I respect, who was trying to get me to go to the polls.

    I certainly don't preach that mantra to other people, to try to get them out to vote. If they don't want to vote, that's their decision.

    I most likely will get out there and do more politically but I need to find a candidate I believe in first. With the ones available, it's not an easy decision.

  4. No, it's that people are lazy. They can't get off their couches to go vote. They don't have to, but it would still require them to read. As for the last presidential election, I couldn't vote, I was still 17. I would rather have had Bush than Kerry for the Presidency.

    So if you can vote and don't: don't complain. You had the chance and didn't. You want to change the world? Do it. Stop complaining and do something about it. Otherwise, just hush.

  5. I do not.

    Indeed always wondered how the land of the free

    can express so little interest in freedom, by not voting.

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