
Why do you stop several feet before the limit line?

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This question is for the people who stop their vehicles 10-15 feet before the limit line. Why do you do this? I see absolutely no reason why you leave an *entire* car length in front of you when you are the first car in the queue to go through the intersection. Don't you realize that you are probably impeding people from entering the protected left turn lane?




  1. Fact::::::::: It has been proven that stopping 5 to even 10 feet behind the line can help prevent you from being in an accident from the other direction.

  2. Three possible reasons.

    They are cautious and don't want to get hit by vehicles turning off the other street.

    They are courteous and want to leave lots of space for really obese people to use the crosswalk

    Their car is one of those constructed so that if they pulled further forward they would have to lean up to the windshield to see the light.

  3. Hi Corran.  I hear ya screamin'.  You are probably right, most of the time the driver probably doesn't have a good reason.  But as others have pointed out, there are some decent reasons to leave some extra space.  

    For example, if I get caught at the light that exits the industrial park where I work, I always leave extra space because trucks turning onto our street from my left are going to need some extra space to make the turn.

    However, I do have the wherewithall to realize that there are people behind me and when I know that light is preparing to change I do pull up to the line.

  4. There are times when you just don't feel like having annoying people in your window ie: teenage thugs with gangster rap bumpin'.

  5. If I see the idiot behind has a habit of stopping too close to rear of my car, I stop further back because I do not want to be pushed into the middle of the intersection by some clown not paying attention, pushing him into me, pushing me in the path of an oncoming truck or bus.

    Far more people stop too far forward, not just across the line but blocking crosswalks, I think that is a worse problem on today's roads.

    And, yeah, if the car in the next lane is one of those $500 cars with $5,000 woofers going "blaaaaatz, poooooofz, thunkkkkk" so loud it shakes the windows on my car, I don't care to be beside him.

  6. If this is all you've got to worry about then you're lucky. Whoever is first in line at this light is in live with it.

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