
Why do you support Obama? Why not Support Hillary?

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Why don't people realize that Obama's a fake?

Why don't people understand that Zionist run this country as it is and Obama's another one ov their puppets?

Why is the media trying to destroy Hillary when it's really Hillary who'll get us out ov this mess?

Why do people support a man who's not qualified at all, than a candidate who is?




  1. Why support either. Both are playing to the lowest common denominator. Obama says " we got to fix Washington" Maybe we should listen to him . He is Washington and is partof the problem. So far, I have heard words from both but I have yet to see Action. Weren't  we all taught that actions speak louder than words? Not when neither of the supported  a vote to make English the official language of the United States along with 28 other Democratic Senators and  Inouye of Hawaii.

  2. Why support either.  

    They both say a lot about nothing except the word "change" over and over.  No policies, no plans, they just promise change.  Neither has any really experience as they both have only been senators for a brief time.  I personally do not want more Clinton years.  What is good ole Bill going to do in the White house - decorate, buy new china and find another Monica?

    In regard to change - Hiltor preached change to Germany and talked about all it's wonders.  He sure changed Germany and the world and it wasn't good.  Change does not always mean good things.  Voter Beware.  Know your Candidates morals, ethics, and views.

  3. I don't trust our system anymore. I want a different family to run my country. Bush-Clinton for 28 years straight would be a possibility.

    The Rep and Dem are 2 arms of the same party.

    The Corporate Party.

    Obama is fresh and without meat hooks in him.     Zionist already have Bush on puppet strings.

    Look where good qualifacations have gotten us (GWB's cabinet and advisors)

    Hillary can do it, I just don't trust it anymore.

  4. Why are you worried about it? Hillary is killing Obama in every national poll.. As of now.. The longer this election drags out, the more Obama gains.. Obama is an outstanding speaker and definitely seems to be far able to give America a higher outlook throughout the world.. Policy doesn't seem too far away from HillBill.. It's his presence and demeanor that sets him apart...

  5. My guess is... because they disagree with you.

  6. Because I can't stand either, especially Hilary. She can go rot in a hole for all I care.

  7. "Why don't people realize that Obama's a fake?"

    Um....are you kidding? You support Hillary, the manufactured tearful plea maker? I wanted to vomit seeing that.

    To answer your question, the reason why I do not support Hillary is because she is a liability. I'd love to have a woman as a president of course, but I have to vote on what's between the ears, and not on what's between the legs.

    And I'm just fine with having a man that has a mixed heritage be the president too.

    If you vote Hillary in, YOU will be one of HER puppets, because you will need the government to do EVERYTHING for you.

    Is this your first year in politics? Obama has a good record. I like him, and I'm not even a democrat.

    Hillary makes a cigar look like a loving companion.

  8. lol

    joke, right?

  9. Because a lot of people think Hillary's head is full of dust! ( I disagree)

  10. that's your own dang opinion. frankly i think Hilary is a fake.

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