
Why do you suppose d**k Cheney went to Georgia instead of Haiti?

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They need the economic aid there a lot more than in Georgia!




  1. Cause a war with Russia would pay and pan out more profitable for him and Bush's interests.  A valiant fight to save Haiti wouldn't do squat but raise his popularity.

  2. Could be that Haiti may be an unsolvable problem through outside intervention.   Of course putting missile defense in Georgia may be a bigger priority.  

  3. Who would want to go to Haiti? That is not a nice place.

  4. There are no pipelines in Haiti.

    And the dictator that the Bush administration installed in Haiti has a tight grip on that country-unlike the dictator that they installed in Georgia.

  5. oil,its a habit.

  6. Ever been to Haiti? That should answer your question.

  7. Haiti is a waste of time. What do they possibly have to offer? Deals are made for some form of profit or benefit in case you did not understand that. It's reality.  

  8. I know that you are right. There are dozens of places far more deserving than Georgia who after all shot themselves in the foot by bombarding South Ossetia.killing hundreds of Russian civilians and knowing that the US and NATO would bail them out.  

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