
Why do you suppose all the immigrants want to come to the U.S.?

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people usually don't go somewhere they don't want to.




  1. Well, everyone has a different story, but in the end it boils down to better opportunity. Better paying jobs, better education.  

  2. cause the are very stupid

    !!!!!!!!!!!!!!! the usa is plumeting to the ground!@

  3. For work, a better life and a promising future for their kids.

  4. Because this is such a terrible Country and it needs changing,We should be able to swap with people that don't like this great country

  5. For most I truly believe they are looking for a better life for themselves and their families.  But then you have the drug smugglers and the females who cross our boarders pregnant so they can have their baby as a US citizen.  If they come and get a job, learn English (if I went to another country I wouldn't expect them to speak English just because that is all I know) and obey our laws I wouldn't be as upset about them being here.  When we start giving food stamps and welfare to people who are here illegally I have a problem with that.  

  6. Every developed country has a large influx of immigrants. The reasons are pretty obvious. If one country provides better opportunity than another country, people will go there.

    Zimbabweans emigrate to South Africa. South Africa is still a dump.

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