
Why do you suppose so many liberal "men" act like girlie-boys?

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Very effeminate!




  1. Because they're Flakes!

  2. Because they are, our current society is creating wimps.

  3. Impotent?

  4. Because many conservative men are ''macho'' since they do not like g*y marriage... If you agree with g**s you tend to be more like on other than the liking boys part...

  5. That's what happens when you don't have a father, have an over-protective mother and believe the world owes you something.

  6. Tell it to George Clooney and Brad Pitt.

  7. Because Feminism, in it's extreme form, has nearly succeeded in criminalizing male behavior, and liberals are WAY more likely to buy into the Feminist agenda.

    And all you defensive liberal males - this is not about sexuality.  This is about being a Man.  I actually know some g**s who qualify as Men - and a lot of hetero libs who just don't.

  8. Dude, if it bothers you or is uncomfortably turning you on, stop looking!


  9. Seems like someone is hyper concerned about his sexuality.  Get over it or switch teams.

  10. Most have grown up in single parent homes without a father figure and become submissive to the radical liberal women.

    I hear many have been castrated at birth as well.

  11. Three words: neo-hippie, metrosexual, homosexual

  12. Because they are (George Clooney and Brad Pitt are great examples, they don't seem that tough to me, I expect that they are the type of men who inspired "Tropic Thunder"), and Liberal women seem tougher than them.

    Look, they discourage sports where you can get hurt (encourage non-competitive sports), they don't hunt (or shoot), when they fish it isn't bass, it's fly fishing - these are the Liberal Male stereotypes, they seem to look more like metrosexuals than Larry the Cable Guy.  Is it true of all of them, no, but I expect that the Liberal Intelligentsia in the large Eastern cities fit this mold.

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