
Why do you suppose that Obama raised $10 million in the last 24 hours?

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Since Palin's speech last night, Obama's campaign has raised $10 million. Is it because people think that Palin is a good challenger, or is it because people will do anything to keep her out of Washington?




  1. Affirmative Action

  2. He didn't. actually he is running out of money.

  3. We want hope and peace not war and fight.

  4. there is suspicion that Obama's contributions are being made through the internet by foreigners in the middle east.....  Saudi Arabia has already said they like and support Obama, and there is suspicion that Khalil Al-Mansour gave Obama money and mentored him when he was in law school; Al-Mansour represents Saudi Arabia and are arabs or muslims,  

  5. Because Palin is a right wing nut case, and most Americans will not vote for her.

  6. Yes they are rallying because they know that Palin has caused a stir in the election. I have noticed that the obama supporters are alot more defensive then they were. They feel the pressure so they will try to do what they can to swing the moment back in their favor. Obama can have the popular vote, as long as McCain gets the electoral that's what counts.

  7. I've never donated any money to a political campaign, but after McCain's speech tonight, I donated money to Obama. There are two things that turn me off the most about politicians democrats and republicans in general.  I don't respond well to scare tactics and negative attacks.  Whenever I see a politician do that, regardless of their party, it turns me off and that's what the republicans did throughout their convention.  I felt like they were trying to scare me into voting for them.  Sarah Palin's jabs at Obama last night were not appealig because to me, negative attacks say more about the person making the attack rather than the person being attacked.  Instead of putting down their oppostion, I want politicians to talk about the positive things they plan to do.  I'm not stupid.  Let me decide who's got a good plan and who doesn't.  Just present to me the best plan you've got without trashing your opponent.  My mom has always taught me that I shouldn't put someone else down just to make me look better.  It's a family value that I will always carry.  

  8. probably from terrorist who want a weak American leader or maybe the people on welfare pooled their money together because after all if Obama wins they will get it back 10 fold!

  9. I think it's the latter. I gave $30 last night after her speech and my reasoning was for the latter. Anything to keep her outta the white house and leave her in Alaska.

  10. Two Words: Sarah Palin

  11. Because Rudy Giuliani, Fred Thompson and especially Sarah Palin angered and fired up many of the Obama supporters, that's why he raised $10 million. Everytime Obama is attacked and everytime he does well, his supporters donate money.

  12. so he could retire in November?

  13. it is because they are getting desperate and does not want to see this woman win. Because she  has no morals and is only thinking of herself.To think of her as V.P. is scary!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  14. Because after Palin's horrible speech the Republicans realized that OBAMA was the right choice and donated.

    LoL.. I'm sticking with that idea.

  15. Oprah

  16. They saw Sarah's speech, then they said, "Holy sh*t, we better do something FAST!"

    Then, Democrats did what they ALWAYS do when faced with a problem...Threw money at it

  17. Gee, maybe because the angry leftists are messing in their pants, scared to death of the outcome that is likely to happen now: they will lose this election. Thanks to the addition of "Sarah Barracuda" and her remarks in defense of the liberals' attacks on her recently, the Republicans are now in the best position to win it. The liberals and the media are now the red meat, as a political analyst recently described. Their sexist and elitist and totally unfair attacks on Palin are going to blow up in their face and backfire.  And McCain and Palin will eat them for lunch!

  18. He is a good speaker, quite able to get people to think that he has said something profound when he hasn't.

  19. I understand that 5 of George Soro's Girl/Boyfriends will not be getting any new jewerly this week.

    I hope Sarah feels real bad about that ...  lol

  20. Fear.

  21. Because Sarah Palin is here to help ensure his victory!

  22. Obama's coffers have been filling since Sarah Palin attacked him repeatedly in St. Paul last night.

    An Obama aide confirms Drudge's report that Obama has raised about $8 million from more than 130,000 donors and was on pace to raise $10 million by the time McCain took the stage tonight.

    UPDATE: Obama spokesman Bill Burton says, "And we fully expect John McCain's attacks tonight to help us make our grass-roots organization even stronger "Sarah Palin's attacks have rallied our supporters in ways we never expected.."

  23. Wasn't it Martin Luther King who advocated boycott as an effective means of protesting? We now have the proof - how poetically fitting and just that the recipient/beneficiary of that knowledge in 2008 is Obama. I suppose the Democrats should at least thank Palin by sending flowers to her. It won't break the $10 million.

  24. There was the realization that this is going to be a contest now and they need the support.  

  25. Because People believe in his message of HOPE and CHANGE. Too bad they don't open their eyes and see it is kool aid they are drinking, instead of water. He quenches their thirst with promises of  false HOPE and CHANGE

  26. Obama's campaign is nervous. So are his followers. That's why.

  27. Rich Democratic celebrities.

  28. possibly for gustav victims...his campaign is currently getting donations to help gustav victims, if you've been following...

    but i'm guessing you haven't..

  29. McCain was scary...Palin, well I cannot imagine her as POTUS.  I would NOT want her even as VP!!

  30. 0bama/Biden 2008!

    Ebony & Ivory Presidency!


  31. He's certainly going to need every penny.

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