
Why do you suppose that a lot of people get sick on cruise liners?

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  1. Besides the obvious like hangovers and seasickness, there is also Norovirus.  This is a severe gastrointestinal virus that causes vast amounts of "output" from both ends - if you understand that.

    Norovirus is easily passed from person to person by physical contact when hands have not been washed properly after using the bathroom.

    Nororvirus can ruin a cruise for passengers.  Take precautions and you should not have problems.

  2. Well it all depends on the person...if it is their first cruise, they may a little sick on the ship, whther or not the seas are rough...i have been on over 30 cruises in my lifetime, and my first was the reminance of a hurricane so the majority of the ship got seasick because of the rough seas...i recently went on a 5 day day cruise, and the people at my table were very sea sick...the seas couldnt have been any all depends on the person, they could be totally fine if the seas are very rough...or they could be sick so easily no matter how calm the seas are...i think that for the people who get sea sick, it is more of a motion sickness than anything just feels different than just being on land...also they could be totally find in their cabin, but when they go look at the water, they could get sick just from watching the water...some people could just be afraid and get sick because of it...there are numerous reasons why they could get sick, and not all just sicksickness...i hope that i answered ur question, and if u have any more questions, feel free to send me a message = ]

  3. From what I have seen on cruise ships, and from listening to the news, its all about cleanliness.  From Ship staff to the passengers.

  4. people drinking too much alcohol;  those occasional  outbreaks of virus-due to the fact that its a contained space and someone is liable to come on board already sick. This happens rarely, it also happens in airliners, other areas too.  

    Things to do to prevent sickness are

    *Wash your Hands for a few seconds, Alot.(germs are spread more easily if you don't)

    *Use hand sanitizer at the buffet line.

    *If you are sick, REST and get better and don't try to spread it around.

  5. wash  your hands VERY often.

    Do Not handle the stair rails.

    Drink bottled water.

  6. Drinking too much alcohol, dehydration from too much time in the sun and not drinking enough fluids, sunburns, diarrhea from drinking water in foreign ports and the odd norovirus breakout, and seasickness.

  7. Motion sickness and definitely alcohol....

  8. Most of the time when you hear of many people on a single cruise ship getting sick it is because of the Norwalk virus. That virus is passed along hand to mouth by having unclean eating areas and also the virus can infect cabins.  people pass it along because they do not wash their hands after the bathroom.  

    Cruise lines counter this by doing thorough cleaning of the ship with Clorox bleach or other disinfectants and then also having available for the passengers and staff many hand sanitizer dispenser at the entrances to all eating places and in other locations.

    Very few people get sick in mass from the motion of the ships because most these days have automatic stabilizers which keep the ship from rocking.  There are a few people who get sick because they drink too much but they are a real minority and rarely do you ever have hundreds of people sick from getting drunk.  I have been on many cruises and never been on a ship with mass sickness or even where drunks were throwing up.

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