
Why do you suppose that all of a sudden the GOP wants to talk about issues ?

by Guest66723  |  earlier

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Not that there's anything wrong with that but after 8 years of avoiding them it just seems a little strange.




  1. Important issues?

    Like balancing the budget.

    The effects of a $10 trillion debt.

    Funding social security.

    Whether bailing out the financial insustry is fiscally responsible or the additional $500 billion in spending can even be financed.

    Or less important issues that the conservative base can suddenly rally around again?

    Like ending Roe V. Wade

    Hunting down Osama Bin Laden

    Stopping g*y marriage

  2. They always have and always will.

    They don't make these fake promises such as, "We will make things 'affordable' to everyone.

    No pie in the sky that can't be accomplished, like the Dems.

    Remember the Dems? The ones that was going to get us out of Iraq? The same ones that have a worst congressional rating than Bush? A lot of talk and no action.

    I say let the dems save their hot air to something they can accomplish. IOW, be silent. At least that way they are honest.

    The least liked congress in American history. And now people are wanting to add to this madness with putting an inexperienced kid at the top of the heap. What's wrong with Pelosi running the show, if they are so great. She has more feel-good promises than anyone.

    The GOP is not about talk but NO action. If you want talk, vote more democrats in... if you want action, vote for the GOP.


    Good advice you gave Jan, so I did just what you said. Guess what? You have been bamboozled and played a fool.

    The nation's largest watchdog group just happen to rate congressmen. There are over 1 Million members and a nonprofit group. And guess what... they are nonpartisan... iow, members made up of Democrats and Republicans. Below is the link for Citizens Against Government Waste.

    Are you sitting down? I hope so, as you seemed concerned about government waste. Who is one of the WORST wasteful spenders?


    He has a 10% rating. They consider this "Hostile to Taxpayers." An absolutely terrible spender. These new ratings just came out a few days ago.

    I know you have to be embarrassed at your own ignorance, but get smart and go with what you have learned here today. No longer believe all the lies fed to you by the Democrats and come to our side with people intelligent enough to understand how the Democrats pray on the ignorance of their constituents. You no longer will be made a fool of and be proud to hold your head high with the truth behind you. Many of us use to be just like you, so don't think you are the only dope. We all had to learn the hard way and it took many knocks just like this one before we were able to see the light and move away from our naivety.


    Oh, and BTW, McCain... he got a 100% rating which is considered by Citizens Against Government Waste as a taxpayer "superhero."

  3. well than, lets talk about the issues.

  4. Because after over 18 months of lies and smear and an onslaught of pure ignorance, they do not want the truth revealed about their choice for VP.  

    1) I do not believe the daughter is pregnant, I believe she has had her baby, the baby only she is seen holding in 99% of the photos.  If this girl is 5 months pregnant why is her dad making her carry this heavy baby.  That just doesn't add up.  And why did the mother Gov Palin refer to "her" baby as "the newborn"  

    2) Why is the Gov. a member of the Alaskan Independent Party who wants to be an independent nation

    They don't want further scrutiny and we have noticed that all the photos on the Gov. Site have been removed.  Why?

  5. The GOP didn't just talk about issues, the GOP acted on issues.  I can remember getting a tax cut check in the mail just a few months ago (for every worker not just certain workers).  That is acting, not talking.  My son got a cut in his interest rate on his federal school loan last month.  That is acting not just talking.  I can go on an on - but you and others refuse to look at all the good things that President Bush has done.

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