
Why do you think Americans hate hockey?

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Outside of Philadelphia, Boston, Minnesota, New York, Detroit, and Buffalo the rest of America hates hockey...

why do you think this is?

Sorry if I pissed you off fans in other cities!!!




  1. It's not that people hate it, it just hasnt caught on in the other parts of the US as in the northern areas. There is a strong growth of hockey fever growing

  2. hey american and i love reason is maybe becasue a lot of people don't get the station the hockey game is on I know were i live  a lot of people couldnt watch the playoffs becasue they didnt get VS

  3. Because we have more Ghetto's and those people cant afford electric let alone keeping ice frozen...i kind rolls with the music flow. when rock dominated the charts Hockey was rated higher. now that Rap is at the top everyone is Basketball.....go figure

  4. Texas here (since last August)

    Right or wrong (in my opinion wrong) there is a significant number of Americans who have the mentality of being superior to the rest of the world, and since they rarely dominate in hockey, they have trouble relating to something where they can't wave their flag as if to say "Take that, Such-and-such-a-country"

    No offence taken by the way. But did you ever take into account there are more pro teams in Texas than Ontario?

  5. So 18,000 a game for 41 games in Tampa means they hate it?

    Sell outs for Ananheim for a year and a half means they hate it?

  6. Well I'm From Minnesota And I Love Hockey!

    I Think Its just because Football is such a big sport, and when you think 'American' sports: Football, Baseball, and Basketball come to mind. I do wish hockey was more popular though.

  7. ppl hate it because it is a sport that takes place in cold place and it is boring to some ppl.

    that is what i think

  8. Actually North Carolina is fairly proud of their team. But I think this just recently started happening. Sometimes when your team sucks then your not proud and you tend to kinda not like it all together.

  9. because it copied figure skating and that is weird i dont hate canada and im from new yorkwe mostly like football and bassball.

  10. idk im from new jersey and we have a fairly big hockey following. Even if they arent devils fans south Jersey has a lot of flyers fans and north jersey a lot of rangers fans. I think that statement is a little nieve

  11. i'm from Chicago, and I love hockey.

    Today was the first day of our Hawk Convention, and it was sold out for 3 days, more than 10,000 people showed up.  also, last season we had about 9 sell outs at the United Center, ticket sales are even higher this year and in January we'll be hosting the Winter Classic at Wrigley.  

    Clearly, Chicago loves hockey, and for you to say that Chicago is strictly a baseball/football town just shows how ignorant you are. (if the question that you initially asked wasn't proof enough) so bug off! and GO HAWKS!

  12. different places enjoy different sports, think about it in Toronto, the leafs sell out every game, the Jays havent in over 10 years!  other places baseball sells out and not hockey.  depends on the people, culture, society, focus

  13. Games are never on TV!  How can people check out a sport they may like if there are barley any games on!  NHL games are put behind NBA and NFL games.  Then when the playoffs start, some of those games are not aired do to baseball pre-season games!  I go nuts when all I can watch a week is Hockey Night In Canada on CBC Saturday nights.  A little help from ESPN would be nice.  How much bull riding do I need to watch?!  Oh I'm angry!

  14. That's why we have the best league in the world.

    Unlike, other countries we have about 10 different highly successful leagues. Some countries only have 1. Also, that doesn't include college sports.

    Get your facts right, everbody says Americans hate soccer yet when America plays it is one of the highest rated programs.

    I like Hockey and I know tons of other people who are still in love with the Hartford Whalers, not sure if you remember them.

    Basically, don't judge an entire nation because of few hundred people or so.

  15. Well, aside from the fights its pretty dull.  Like soccer.  Fun to play ,boring to watch (at leat in the US)  Id like to see a hockey game live though, supposed to go see the coyotes (i know they suck, but it sounds like fun) soon.

  16. I happen to live in another city and I LOVE HOCKEY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!...

    I am pissed off! I like hockey!

  17. heres an old quote my dad told me.....".go 2 a bar, a fight breaks out, go 2 a fight a hockey game breaks out"

  18. No need to apologize. You are correct. I'm an American and hockey is my favorite sport. Its hard to answer the question because it doesn't make any sense. Hockey has everything Americans look for in a sport.

    I don't think it gets the exposure it deserves, and its not reaching markets that don't have teams.

  19. Because the rest of America hate Canada(me include) and hockey was invented in Canada and that like the only sport that there isn't a famous black guy playing

  20. Its just the lifestyle i'm guessing. In Canada everything has do with hockey.  Look at the other sports leagues in Canada :  CFL (oh please), NBA(one canadian team woo), MLB( one canadian team).  Not really appealing to Canadians. But the US had the NFL, NHL, NBA, & MLB. So I think its common for most Americans to not like hockey.  But some Americans here love hockey, maybe even more than some Canadian fans.

    lostboy- Don't be an idiot, and know your facts. Jarome Iginla is a Captain in the NHL..and guess what he's black. In fact he is my favorite player, plus he's pretty famous in the hockey world. The list of famous black players can go on. Don't even get me started.

  21. People hate it because they don't understand it.  Plus, it also takes a bit of money for one person to play.  For all the other sports, all you really need is a ball and a place to play.

    And for the record, I love hockey.

    And I also love Canada.

  22. ok douchebag...chicago loves hockey...2nd of all..douchebag the nhl beat the nba in attendance know your facts before you ask a question...thanks

  23. obviously your an east coaster cheering on the eas(ies)t  conference.

    the people in charge of hockey are the jagoffs, people don't hate it, they don't get it spoon fed to them, like football.

  24. Not necessarily true. A lot of people are hockey fans, but can't afford to go to games or don't obsess about it like most of us here do. That doesn't mean they don't exist. It's just more...prominant in the listed states.

    Let's go Rangers!

  25. I think Americans don't understand the sport.  Too many Americans think it's just a game a bunch of Canadian hosers invented, and on TV they think there's nothing to the game beyond a puck sliding all over the place and people fighting constantly.

    You can't watch a hockey game on TV and appreciate it (HDTV, maybe).  A hockey game has to be experienced in person to be enjoyed...and as long as you go to a game in a good atmosphere with some high-quality hockey, you WILL become a fan as soon as the players hit the ice.

  26. probably because it involves more teamwork and americans like to be self centered (not all of course)

  27. Ohio here.. and I love hockey.. I play hockey.. and I ref hockey.  Go bluejackets!!!   Most people here just don't get the rules & such...kind of like soccer.  Everyone I've known who's gotten out to a hockey game live has changed their mind on it though.

  28. i'm american & i'm from california, most of my friends love hockey & they are american too.

  29. i wasn't aware we "hated" the sport.  the majority of the US is in a much warmer climate and we don't have the opportunity to play hockey.

  30. They hate it because they see it as a boring and a girl sport but thats just me. I say that caz my friends say that hockey is stupid because they a girls and its boring. I love hockey i play so they have no clue how hard it is.

  31. um.........

    cuz they have to wear funny looking costumes while playing?!?!?!!?!


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