
Why do you think Boxing is better than MMA?

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Boxing is the greatest and most difficult sport of all. The only reason that MMA is so popular is because of the wonderful job the UFC has done in promoting and organizing their shows and stars. Purely inside the ring or Octogan (taking away the fancy lights and the organization of the UFC), boxing provide more action and more drama 7 out of 10 fights.

Here's more supporting evidence from Kevin Iole, who covers MMA on

"But (Wanderlei) Silva rarely uses his jiu-jitsu, largely because he’s aware that he’s an entertainer when he walks into the cage."

One of the biggest MMA stars, Wanderlei Silva, explains

“The people love to see a fight between two guys who are standing up and trying to knock each other out,” Silva said. “Go to any fight card and you can see that. That’s why I fight that way. Give the people what they want.”

That's right. Even the biggest MMA fans just want to see their fighters throw some d**n punches instead of playing grab *** on the floor.




  1. i dont think either sport is better than the other. alot of people make the argument that ufc is killing boxing but the truth is that neither sport takes away viewers from each other. they are two completely different sports. i watch boxing because its a science and i want to see who the best striker in the world is. i watch the ufc for all the crazy battles that go on in that octagon.

  2. Boxing is closer to real fighting and is way more entertaining than watching two guys fall to the ground and mount, hump, and grab each other's nutsacks until someone quits.  People go into MMA because they CAN'T fight, not because it is closer to real fighting- they don't want to stand up and fight like real men, so instead they fall to the ground and hump each other.  MMA is basically a bunch of white guys who can't fight, so they got tatoos, started acting tough, and vuala- you have a "sport" that appeals to other white guys who can't fight for S**t.  The so-called "best pound for pound MMA fighter"- Anderson Silva was saying that he wanted to fight Roy Jones, Jr. in a boxing match.  Dana White then stated that he would veto any action that Silva would take to fight outside the UFC because he said he was under contract- the REAL reason is because he didn't want to see a faded boxing legend beat the S**t out of the best thing that the weak UFC has to offer.  Silva actually tried boxing before he went to UFC, but he couldn't do it, so he turned to MMA- I wish that the Jones fight had come off because even at this stage of Jones' career, he would school any of those guys if they tried to fight him.  Dana White is okay with a boxer going to UFC, but then when one of his "fighters" wants to fight in a boxing match that they would lose to, he starts making up excuses about them not fighting under contract.  You won't see anyone getting into a "rear-naked chokehold" on the street- boxing is was and ALWAYS will be more entertaining, more violent (more deaths and injuries occur in boxing than they do in MMA), and just the better sport in general than MMA.

  3. theirs no skill in mma

  4. Personally I like both.  Wanderlei is really most famous for kicking people in the head but anyway. I will agree that when two grapplers go at it MMA gets boring.  Promoter try not to make matches like that but sometimes it happens.  I like the old PRIDE system because if fighters slowed down the action the ref could fine them and stand the fight back up.

  5. Boxing was always the primary spectator sport in history.

    because MMA sports, which are just as old lose a lot of spectators with the ground wrestling.

    In fact anytime boxing surfaced(egypt, greece, ancient rome, britain, etc.) it started as MMA- no rules comp with a lot of throws and locks.

    Even our modern boxing looked like this 300 hundred years ago.

    Promoters soon realise crowds pay more to see striking action so it gradually loses all the wrestling.

    So you end up with a 'deadly sport', and a 'money and numbers sport'

    boxing is still by far the biggest numbers and money sport. MMA is not very big outside of the americas and a few places in Europe.

  6. Just the fact that almost anything can happen in an MMA fight makes it more exciting then boxing.  Ya I agree it does seem boring if guys are on the ground the whole time, but if you are a true MMA fan you appreciate what they are doing on the ground.  I know when I m watching two fighters on the ground I can see their subtle moves trying to do something so I get excited over that.  Also, using the lighter gloves makes MMA more of a realistic fight then boxing.

  7. MMA takes more skill than boxing.  I believe MMA fighters can beat a boxer any day of the week..  As far as playing grab ***, get in the ring and try it.

  8. Boxing is better than MMA because boxing is a martial art (emphasis on "ART") while MMA is a couple of knuckleheads rolling around on the ground.  In boxing you can see skill, technique and even beauty in a boxer's execution, where as in MMA you can see brutish, thick-necked white guys play grab *** -- there's just no finesse to it.  Finally, boxing is better than MMA because boxing is part of our cultural tradition -- not just in the US, but in England, Ireland, Mexico -- and MMA just hasn't contributed to our cultures like that.  MMA is like the Britney Spears of fighting sports while boxing is more like Pavorotti.

  9. All ufc is a street fight, you can use anything,

    if your not good with your hands you use your legs if your not good fighting then you can go to the ground, so on and so on.

    Ever here "less is more" well thats with boxing, you cant use your legs or grapple someone, if you dont know how to use your hands, you have to master your punches, and how you avoid punches.

    Remember all the top guys at the start of UFC like chuck liddel and tito ortiz they were all champions at first but then someone came along and beat them,

    thats because any one can be a ufc fighter,


    Basicly boxing is an art, Ufc is just a Street Fight,

  10. Well one thing the talent level in boxing is better.  Boxers have the potential to make tremendous amounts of money.  Oscar is almost a billionare.  The ability to earn crazy money if you reach the zenith draws more quality athletes into boxing.  In MMA you have a few elite fighters making good money but not the same kind of money like Oscar, Floyd or Hatton.

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