
Why do you think England followed a different path of monarchy compared to the rest of Europe?

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And yet, where in Europe today is there a remnant of monarchy? Why do you think this is? I'm so confused right now,lol




  1. I don't understand your question. there are monarchs in Spain, Norway, Sweden, Denmark, Monte Carlo, and Luxembourg  

  2. There are still a few other European countries that have Constituional monarchies, apart from Britain.  Spain, Sweden, Denmark, Norway, and Belgium all still have monarchies.

    In England, we tried doing away with the monarchy in the 1640s, found we didn't like it, and got them back again.  The French took ages to make up their minds, they had a succesion of revoltuions over an eighty-year period, tried being a Republic, an empire, a monarchy, a different monarchy, an empire again, before finally settling on being a Republic.  Very confusing.

    Since we have to have a head of state, I would just as soon have a constituitonal monarchy as an elected president.

  3. The English managed to kill one of their kings in the 17th century. This made the successors more cautious

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