
Why do you think Frank Luntz changed his stance on global warming?

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Frank Luntz is a Republican strategist. In 2003 Luntz wrote an infamous memo to Republican political candidates which advised them to use the term "climate change" as opposed to the more frightening "global warming", and to emphasize the public's perceived lack of scientific concensus and certainty with regards to man-made global warming.

In 2006 he said "I think most people would conclude that there is global warming taking place and that the behavior of humans are effecting the climate."

Why do you think this Republican political strategist changed his tune just 3 years after that infamous memo?




  1. not sure. it could be because he has been convinced that global warming is happening.

    PS i love it how jello criticizes others for not being scientists and then quotes that Russian guy.

  2. Maybe Bush taught him to talk with God afterwards.

  3. Vox populi, vox dei is hardly a scientific argument.  It's a good political strategy however.

  4. He saw how much money Algore was making off all the dopes and wanted in on it. WOW! all really small words you should be able to get this concept.


  5. Exxon stopped paying him?

    RNC stopped paying him?

    he has a kid in school who asks why he doesn't tell the truth?

  6. Frank Luntz is not a climatologist.

  7. 2012 election.

  8. I'm going to utilize the KIIS theory here, once again.

    In doing so, my best simple guestimate would be that it took three years for Mr. Luntz' and his brain to come out his slow coma and stop "sugar-coating" the  terrible global warming situation which is and has been so painfully apparent to us nature enthusiasts.  It needed attention then and needs it now even more so, and he probably came to that realization as he began to see a world plunging into oblivion and perhaps generations after him won't be around to enjoy the wonderful outdoors and all the benefits that come with it.

    As a matter of fact, I'm going out to look at the stars and these beautiful mountains that aren't in any chaos right now.  It seems so peaceful (it was about 78 degrees today in my part of California) and I'll try not to think about the question I just answered.  Try not to think about the havoc that is being let loosed as I write this....

  9. Dana gets a new strategy. Interesting....

    When the science fails, switch to politics.

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