
Why do you think God took Princess Diana to his kingdom?

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Probably God thought Diana was a really good person and she didn't deserve to see her husband marry a conniving tramp and her sons party hard like they don't belong in a noble line of people.




  1. God didn't do it.  God wasn't even looking when it happened.

  2. Well // the way I look at it is this ... God knows when all of us are going to die and how we are going to die ... when we have full-filled our role here on earth ... it is time for us to go... even though we leave our family and friends to mourn us...

    Yes Diana did a lot of good things in her life since she left Charles and maybe there was no more for her to do....what she did ... may have completed her cycle ...

  3. Hum? that is a good question but may be you should take the question to God you know? he might  be able to answer to it.

  4. I'm not a person who believes that everything happens for a reason. Maybe he took her so she could see how many people did love and care for her which espically showed after her death. Maybe he took her before she could hurt herself. But honestly, I don't think those are good enough reason. This was just a terrible and unfortunate accdient. =[

  5. "To every thing there is a season, and a time to every purpose under the heaven: A time to be born, and a time to die; a time to plant, and a time to pluck up what is planted; . . . " (Ecclesiastes 3.1-2)

    This philosophical answer is the best reason I can give for anyone dying.  It was simply her time to exit.

  6. Becuz she didn't deserve to be a Princess of this kingdom but of His.

  7. No. It wasn't Diana but one of her doubles who died in Paris.

    The real Diana is confined to a small island in the Pacific.

  8. because she was hunted by the paparazzi and she had a drunk taxi driver

  9. I think a drunken driver had more to do with it than God.

  10. Cuz she was naughty.

  11. You seem to have your mind made up, so why bother other people with your beliefs. You are not inviting any answers, unless they agree with what you think in the first place

  12. haha, the last time i checked more than just one person has ever died. It's b/c it was their time.

  13. How can you call Camilla a conniving tramp when she stayed with and eventually married the man she loved. How many lovers did Diana have? How often did she cheat on her husband? It cuts both ways. If Camilla was a tramp, so was Diana. What have gods to do with it anyway?

  14. actually I think it might have been more to do with the french secret service myself. anyway she was hardly angel material was she? a spoiled narcistic attention junkie multiple adulteress? I had no time for the hype around her when she was alive and the hypocrisy around her funeral and its aftermath in the uk is truly nauseating

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