
Why do you think I almost fainted/starting blacking out?

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I was working from 11-4 today as a host. I didn't eat any breakfast, but that is typical for me. I didn't drink anything before I went to work or while working. I also started my period today. What do you think caused me to faint? Could I be anemic or do you think it was just not eating/drinking anything?




  1. Ok first of all look at what you typed...didnt eat breakfast, didnt have anything to drink, working as a host (constantly moving I take it) and you're starting your menstrual cycle.  Thats a LOT of stress thats being put on your body.  

    If you're worried about being anemic take an iron supplement on top of your vitamins.  Make sure that you have at least something in your system whether it be a piece of fruit or glass of orange juice.  This will keep your blood sugar levels up on top of making you feel a little less sluggish.  

    Low calorie diets are fine however, not everyone can handle the diets out there.  Check with your doctor, you may be restricting your calorie intake a little too much.  A healthy calorie intake for someone on a low calorie diet is around 1450.  Anything lower and you're gonna feel crappy...especially on your period.

  2. even though you are taking supplements a low calorie diet, often does not give your body what it needs. i would say you fainted cos your body is running on empty and when you are on your period you actually need slightly more calories by 200 ish. also, you lose a lot of iron when on your period so you proabaly had a low level of iron, which you need to make sure you get back up because chronic low levels do lead to becoming anemic. make sure you have good iron sources, meat is better than spniach e.t.c.

    you need to try and have something in the mornings, even if its just  a bit of fruit, your body has been starving all night!

    stay healthy, and up your cals

  3. 2 reason. number one not eating or drinking anything. and number 2 you started your period.  so by not eating or drinking and the fact that you have a blood loss (hence period) you increase your chances of passing out.  

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