
Why do you think McCain kept Sarah Palin a secret until today?

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They just announced she has been chosen as his runny mate. I knew she was a good choice 6 months ago. What's better for the US, than having the Governor of Alaska as our Vice President.....YaHOOOOOOOOO!





  1. It wasn't that he was keeping it a secret, He just couldn't remember who he had asked (Just kidding ) This is really, really getting exciting, Just last month I was of the opinion that I wouldn't vote because I didn't care for any of the choices,  And now I believe that  all the candidates  are all so great, so here I stand again who do I choose,  In God we trust

  2. I have yet to hear it was a 'secret.' He had a list, just because the media didn't have her on their list. I don't think the candidates have to tell the big mouthed media who their choices are until they are good and ready. The news media think they have the right to know everything first hand so they can blurt it all over the tv. Probably one of the reasons our enemies know what we are going to do before we do it. McCain, AND Obama had every right to not list their potential candidates until they were ready. I am anxiously awaiting whatever she has to contribute. I also like Joe Biden, and I'm a conservative. Biden has always been a fav of mine. I'm giving her the benefit of the doubt. I don't really think it was meant to be this big secret. McCain was just being smart in weighing all the potential candidates against one another. I'm sure Obama did the same thing. I wish her the best. She sounds like a very strong woman, and won't be intimidated. :)

  3. Does he really think he can get Hillary's backers just by choosing a woman? Does he think we are so shallow that we just wanted a Woman in office, ANY woman?  

  4. It really surprised me.  I am a Democrat who was hoping to vote for Hillary Clinton in the Presidential election.  I had convinced myself that I would support Barack Obama since Hillary was out of the race.  The fact that McCain has selected Palin as his VP will make me stop and think things over....  again.  I am sure he is trying to sway the voters by choosing a woman for VP.   Good political move.

  5. I think she swallowed.....hmmmm, when McCain is gone then we will have President Palin.  He is old and not in good health. He just picked her to poke her, push her around and because younger women always make old worn out rich men look better. He is going for the Hillary and dirty old men votes. I think he is already tappin' that.  

  6. I think it is interesting, and a smart move by McCain to announce it now. The surprise of it sort of steals away any of Obama's thunder created by his speech. I think it is strange how McCain is creating more of a "change" with a young... WOMAN. As a woman myself, I am torn because I think it is wonderful that we have come so far, but I wonder at her lack of experience. She seems to be able to speak for herself and has already brought to light some things she found to be unjust, which is good, but we will have to see in the coming weeks what comes of her. However, I was already voting for McCain for personal reasons, so I am hoping for the best!

  7. I think that Half-Drawn Boy has your answer. See question above.

  8. FINALLY! Bring on the red, white and blue glittered hats.



  9. I don't know much about American politics, I just hope they get a good President for their wonderful country.

  10. whats better?  the fact that he caught the media off guard, awesome Gov McCain

  11. Personally I think this was not his idea but some party strategist who weighed the odds and thought she could snag a few Clinton female supporters. I think it is a slap in the face to all women. One woman is as good as another and qualifications do not count at all. She has no experience and if anything should happen to McCain OMG! The republicans must be really desperate.

  12. Our Navy training,, you don't flaunt one good looking woman in front of the other [his wife] too much..

  13. I don't get this nomination. Aside from her being alive, there is almost nothing exciting about her.

    The people who have told me that they like her are mostly people who seemed to dislike Obama but couldn't put their finger on why. Now they seem excited to have a Veep, but can't explain why. One guy at work told me that the sight of her with five children standing on stage brought him to tears.

    I really don't know much about her politically, yet. But if she is so great, I'm surprised I haven't really heard of her before this.

  14. Just for effect.  I sure hope they  win!

  15. As far as I can tell, his "secret" was the only way he could draw any attention to his campaign....not that the "cat" is out of the bag, I have no idea where he will go, other than to continue a smear campaign that will only get far worse, if the last election is any indication of how low Republicans will go. Bold-faced lies seem to mean nothing to them, but on the other hand, they don't seem to bother Democrats either, so I guess it is an even playing field.  

  16. For the same reason Obama kept his VP pick a secret as long as he did.  To build up suspense and keep people interested.

  17. wow u must be an idiot to vote for mccain

    rofl republicans dont deserve another 4 years cuz they already had 8 years and they messed up big time

    mccain is using a trick to get hillary supporters to vote for him

    he is just low!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  18. Grasping at straws.

    It's the Hillary effect.

    People's eyes glaze over when they think about political wanks.

  19. drama

  20. this is ridiculous. he's just trying to steal hilary's voters away. No experience no real work in her lifetime by comparison to obama and biden. it would be stupid to have mccain-palin elected at this point.  

  21. I just heard this too. Well I voted for  Hillary but that fell through and I am not sure about Obama or McCain. I wish folks would stop the age thing with McCain. What worries me about him is his quick-fire temper and the fact he may jump too fast to settle something without giving reasonable thought about it and our country suffer for it. Oh heck! Stop the Merry-Go-Round! I'm getting dizzy from all this!!    Poppy  ( Sorry about the run-on sentence)

  22. He probably did not know himself until late yesterday or today. He is rolling the dice.

  23. Do you really think that by any slim chance that McCain will become President and Palin VP that they would allow her son to continue to be in the Armed Forces as he is now. They can not have the son of a VP out there subject to fighting a war on the front lines. There is no way they could have the Secret Service protect him. I don't remember if they said how old he was. They could possible return him to the home front and put him in a non combat job.  Would you want her as President if something happened to McCain?  No, I don't think so personally, few people even knew who she was  or what she stood for before today. Just because she is a woman, so what. A lot of people will now switch over to Obama.  I for one have not been swayed, I was and am going to vote for Obama.  

  24.    I would rather dive into a swimming pool full of warm           Vomit, than have McCain and Palin running things  8/29

  25. It's a good thing I'm not running, because I would have chosen Condoleezza Rice, a black woman qualified to become President of the United States.


  27. we're getting ready to drill ANWR

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