
Why do you think Obama's advisers stopped Muslim women from appearing near him on TV? Is this discrimination?

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If it was discrimination, what sort was it? Sexual? Sectarian? Racist?




  1. None of the above; merely political expediency. He is running for president you know.

  2. Obama is a Muslim.

  3. None, i think that his advisors would have told him that it wouldn't be expedient to have Muslims within shot, i don't see that being anything other than a political move.

    and no where have i seen on TV, in newspapers or any information given on the man that he is a practising Muslim.

    His site says Christian so why do people insist he is a Muslim.

  4. yeh definately discrimination-it says in the article itself that it was political, but the politics include a phobia of a certain group-Muslims. Apparently these ladies were not supposed to be in the same picture as him so that it could quell rumours that Obama is a Muslim. Whether he is or not this is definately going to show another side to his campaign

  5. It merely shows that he has some very savvy advisers- to be seen as the Muslims choice of candidate would be the kiss of death to his campaign.

  6. Hi.

    Are you aware that many Americans are suspicious of Barack Hussein Obama because of his name, and his Muslim background.  Even the media have joined the chorus of dissent, e.g. Debbie Schlussel  wrote "Barack Hussein Obama: Once a Muslim, Always A Muslim".

    Schlussel's column fits into a larger pattern in the recent media coverage and commentary regarding Obama. Indeed, like Schlussel -- who has repeatedly appeared on MSNBC in the past -- numerous media figures have gone out of their way to highlight Obama's middle name.Following are a sample of these comments:

    * On the December 11 edition of CNN's Situation Room, correspondent Jeanne Moos noted that "[o]nly one little consonant differentiates" Obama and Osama. She then added, "[A]s if that similarity weren't enough. How about sharing the name of a former dictator? You know his middle name, Hussein."

    * On the December 12 edition of The Situation Room, CNN senior political analyst Jeff Greenfield compared the similarity of Obama's "business casual" clothing to Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad's "jacket-and-no-tie look." Greenfield concluded the segment by saying: "Now, it is one thing to have a last name that sounds like Osama and a middle name, Hussein, that is probably less than helpful. But an outfit that reminds people of a charter member of the axis of evil, why, this could leave his presidential hopes hanging by a thread."

    * On the December 14 edition of Hardball, NBC's Mike Viqueira announced "a man named Barack Obama, whose middle name, incidentally, is Hussein, running for president."

    From Schlussel's December 18 column:

    I decided to look further into Obama's background. His full name -- as by now you have probably heard -- is Barack Hussein Obama, Jr. Hussein is a Muslim name, which comes from the name of Ali's son -- Hussein Ibn Ali. And Obama is named after his late Kenyan father, the late Barack Hussein Obama, Sr.,  a Muslim.

    And while Obama may not identify as a Muslim, that's not how the Arab and Muslim see him. In Arab culture and under Islamic law, if your father is a Muslim, so are you. And once a Muslim, always a Muslim. You cannot go back. In Islamic eyes, Obama is certainly a Muslim. He may think he's a Christian, but they do not.

    This brings me back to your question; Why do you think Obama's advisers stopped Muslim women from appearing near him on TV? Is this discrimination?

    I believe it was an attempt to show that in, No Way is he or ever has been connected to Islam. Can you imagine the furore if he was joined on stage by Muslim women.??

    These events are so orchestrated that people are even told what to wear.

    I am so sorry for the long reply but I felt your question deserved it.

    Good luck my friend,


  7. Simply for PR reasons, there is an evident misrepresentation of what Islam is about in the US, as in the UK, and also about whether Obama is a secret Muslim -(which is an absurd idea, that would immediately tell you he is not one, denial is just as bad as apostacy).

    I have recently heard 3 seperate people state that although "not all Muslims are terrorists, all terrorists are Muslim", with a pride at coming out with such a profound and witty aphorism, I believe they first read this nonsense in the national press.

    That seems to be the attitude of a lot of uneducated people, and Obama is well aware of this.

    I am sure that McCain is also very choosy who he gets photographed with, for the same PR reasons, that, for instance, he isn't photographed with a coffin of an Iraq war victim.

  8. Probably because some Americans believe that all Muslims are terrorists so it wouldn't look good for him in their eyes. But then again maybe not.

  9. I think he didn't want to be in the same photo as them period - he gets the final say on things. I do not trust this man one bit.

  10. This was a mistake on the part of the Obama campaign, but since he is very valuable to the Islamic agenda of world domination, I think they will forgive him and vote for him anyway.  As for why his advisers did that?  They are trying to create a candidate that appeals to as many people as possible, and this little gaffe is consistent with Obama's belief that he is smarter than everyone else.  He isn't fooling anyone, and in November he'll figure that out.  Was it discrimination?  I think it was religious discrimination, and the Muslims have a right to be angry about it.  They seem to have already forgotten about the incident though, which is inconsistent with Islam but very consistent with their agenda and the part Obama plays in it.

  11. Fear of association.  Some people believe Obama is a Muslim and this is how they will take over America.

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