
Why do you think Paris is considered a romantic city?

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Is it the culture? The history? Famous people? And please elaborate.




  1. because french is a classic romance language.

  2. Good marketing?

  3. I think it's romantic because it was once considered to be a really exotic place. The architecture, the people, the relaxed way of life. I've always wanted to go, since I was a little girl, and it would be romantic to me to have the person I love make that dream come true.

  4. Personally, I think it's neither the culture (though that's perhaps part of it) nor the history, and certainly not the famous people, so much as Paris simply being a beautiful city. Walking along the Seine River, or near some of its major and minor monuments, you realize that it's an exceptionally beautiful city. Although there are of course some ugly and unfortunate buildings there that stand out for all the wrong reasons (Montparnasse Tower, for instance), for the most part they've done a good job of ensuring that it remains very esthetically pleasing. People who enjoy the finer things in life (architecture, cuisine, culture in general, etc) generally appreciate Paris. I used to live there and I miss it tremendously.

  5. Paris is the most "romantic" city in the world...FOR SINGLES.

    Being single, on your own, or "alone" is actually one of the most exciting ways to be in Paris.

    Flirtation is fun and necessary in Paris. The art of it is exhilarating. You can get almost anything you want if you flirt well with anyone and everyone, of every s*x. Flirtation in France is equivalent of "charm", it does not mean you're seeking to jump into bed with everyone you flirt with.

    Cheating is as French as Brie. The French consider themselves sophisticated when it comes to dealing with physical configurations. The French do not view infidelity the same way they do in the United States.

    Of course, many French do not support the infidelity philosophy but in France, the concept of cheating on one's spouse does not necessarily mean that you must give up your family life.

    In France, you don't have to trade one for another. You can have them both and you can have it all. This is the land of 400 cheeses remember? You can love eating both Camembert and Brie without discrediting or offending one or the other.

    For single women in Paris, this can be a major benefit because there simply aren't as many single men as there are single women. That means that the playing field opens up without the guilty, at least for sexual encounters if not for romantic ones.

  6. french is the language of love..if you have been would know what htey speak about when they say that its the city of love...

  7. I have no Idea why It's considered romantic. I've been there,and it smells like urine. I am not kidding people stop,and pee right in the street,and when it rains it smells so bad you can hardly stand it.

  8. visit it while you can it won't be there much longer to many foreigners who don't give a darn about culture and they out number the locals and in just a few years will rule the country see how long the museums last or the fountains etc. they don't give a darn about french culture or the statues fountains museums or anything else just large round building with loud speakers on them. Paris is already getting to dangerous to visit for the foreigners living there. even the native Parisians are scared that they are loosing their own country to foreigners who would destroy their county if given the chance. Visit PARIS WHILE YOU CAN. IN A FEW YEARS IT WILL BE ON THE PLACES YOU CAN'T VISIT FOR IT WILL BE LIKE IRAQ

  9. For me, I think Paris is considered a romantic city because of the culture which I interpret as the food, the history and art.

    The landscape and the architecture contribute to the mood as well for me.

    I think any place that brings pleasure to all or most of the senses is romantic. The sites, the sounds, the smells, (although when I was in Paris I smelled a lot of exhaust from the passing cars.) The flavours and the textures also make it a wonderful experience.

    I'm not well informed of the history of the city but looking at all the beautiful landmarks, buildings and art museums gives it the romantic flavour.

    Famous people don't really influence my feelings so much.

    The culture does it for me in this case.

    Hope I wasn't too vague.

    In a nutshell... the landscape, the cuisine, the art and the experience of walking in the city makes it a romantic city for me...that's what I think....right or wrong, that's how I feel.

  10. Because Paris Hilton doesn't live there!

    Not sure,tho.

  11. The different scenery from the country where we're from. The language and also the media has hyped their romanticism.

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