
Why do you think Safina lost that easy to Ana?

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Why do you think Safina lost that easy to Ana?




  1. Safina was not able to handle her nerves well today. She did not handle the pressure well when it came to game and break points. She just had too many errors during the match. Ivanovic, on the other hand, just played a fantastic match. Safina just wasn't able to fight back effectively. I wish she wasn't so nervy today. She would have put up a better game that way. With the way both girls were playing, I'd say Ivanovic deserved her new title as a grand slam champion!

  2. She had some tough matches leading up to the final and didn't have much left in the tank.  Also it was her first final and the pressure got to her. Basically, maturity.  Ana tanked in last finals too.  Both are great players who are still young and developing.

  3. I dont no. I was expecting a really good match with even Safina winning in 3sets lol how wrong am i? haha Ana played well and Safina made too many errors. Its a grandslam final you cant afford to make errors you got to play your best. All credit to Safina tho, for making the final it just wasnt her day at all :( !

    She`s not that chubby id say more muscle really. Just cause she`s not stick thin ? I mean Serena is bigger.

  4. she ran out of gas.

  5. she said.....because I was down mentally and physically...

  6. she is no match for safina

  7. i believe that Safina lost because she didn't want it as badly as ana. she didn't have anything left in her. it was a long 2 weeks for her, with tough matches against players like maria and elena. also, physically, she's not as fit as ana. today, ana just wanted it more and she showed that through her brilliant play.

  8. Partially her emotions.  She was angry about her errors and it got the best of her.  But also...Ana's in a bit of a zone.  Things are really going her way.

  9. mainly cos she's less experienced. This was Ivanovic's 3rd major final, it's easy to get the jitters, but now she has enough practice that she ought not, like she demonstrated, unlike Safina.

    \moreover, I think Safina is also part of the dangerous movement of perfectionism, like her brother, and she really needs to be more forgiving on herself, not get angry, and paly only for herself:)

  10. Are you serious with that question ???? Ana has some serious tenacity, grit and demeanor. Her semi-final with Jankovic, is the stuff champions are made of. She could have easily wilted under the pressure after she was up 3-1 in  the second set and Jelena went on about a 7 game streak.She stayed calm and dug that sh*t out !!!!!! Doing what brought her to that point.Ivanovic is not some little loser pushover, helloooooooooooooooooooooo. She deserved the championship, kudos to her !!!!!

  11. She's had a good run to the final, a very physical run at that.

    But d**n, Ana's game was just too much for her to handle. that forehand is just wicked.

    Safina might have succumbed to nerves too.remember how just last year Ana had an incredible run to the final only to fold into her shell at the last hurdle.It will take Safina another final or two to finally get over the nerves thing.

  12. OH MY GODD!! i saw that game too!

    because she's ranked #13, that's why, and her serves were TERRIBLE!!!

    safina's kinda chubby, too.. ;D

  13. I think Ivanovic was just too strong today.  She seemed really determined not to let her third slam final slip through her fingers.  Safina also seemed a little bit tired mentally as well as physically, especially in the second set.  But who could blame her, after her miraculous comebacks in the 4th round and QF.  Also, the pressure of playing in her first grand slam final probably also added to her fatigue, as pressure tends to make a person nervous and tight, draining their energy.

  14. Nerves and expierence. The match could be a lot tougher if this was played in an earlier round. Ana has played in a grand slam final for the third time now, she prepared really well. And for the first time, Ana was the favorite to win in the final.

  15. The way i look at it is as to who is really "badly" need that title; u see Ana have been in two slam finals before RG & have been almost whipped by the champions & this is a first for Safina. So, i think Ana really need it to prove that she is not a lucky loser & she need it to justify her ranking, while Safina i think is not that determined to prove something to the world. But, after this, i will see a lot of finals which will involve Safina or more other players and it kina interesting coz from now on, you will not be able to see one or two players only dominating the whole season of tennis...just like in the Men's section, where it kinda of 3-guys race at the moment..

  16. becuase ivanovic played to well on the day, al lcredit though to safina, shes improved a lot as a players, and surely she has a bright future, but today ivanovic was to strong

  17. I'd go with Ana had been there before (a GS final) and Safina had not.  Safina has a great upside and should be a force in women's tennis for some time to come.

    I will say, the match was a pleasure to watch, with the phony grunting and the egomaniacs off the court.

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