
Why do you think Yahoo!Answers allows us to vote for our answers but bar us from marking TUs on them?

by  |  earlier

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Of course you don't TD your own answers. =) Is it stipulated in the 'community guidelines'? Haven't read much of it lately.




  1. Excellent point. But I have absolutely no answer for you, except that is probably very easy for their technical staff to prevent you from making TUs on your qs as you can only do so while the Q is still active, much like you cannot answer your own q.

    But preventing you from voting once the q is closed probably needs more "coding" & "testing" so they left that one out.

    The one thing I'm not sure of is what is the use of the No BA vote.

  2. Don't worry. They'll all die anyway. My master just gave me a mission order to assassinate all the people working at yahoo.

  3. per consultation with comelec,  you can vote for yourself,  however you can't do TU because you are not FVR.

  4. Probably for the same reason that a politician can vote for himself. To be fair a person must be able to vote or decide between ALL choices.

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