
Why do you think a fifth of americans can't find their own country on a map?

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OK, it's your turn to answer it.

I hope unlike Ms. S Carolina you won't bring South Africa into it.




  1. Because our Department of Education hasn't done it's job in educating the students of this country.

  2. In an answer to why we don't get rid of liberals someone wrote because then you wouldn't have any teachers. I'm starting to think that may not be such a bad idea.

  3. I personally believe the U.S. Americans are unable to do so because, uh, some, uh...people out there in our nation don't have maps, and, uh, I believe that our education like such as South Africa and, uh, the Iraq everywhere like, such as and...I believe that they should, our education over here in the U.S. should help the U.S., err, uh, should help South Africa and should help the Iraq and the Asian countries, so we will be able to build up our future for our...  

  4. because they go to school to socialize,party and play football...not to learn

  5. 1)  because parents aren't active in their children's education.  Because of this, schools are spending precious time trying to teach children things they should already know by first grade (i.e. reading, addition and subtraction)

    2)  Parents won't allow schools to discipline or fail their children because it will "hurt their self esteem"

    3)  Schools get their money based on test scores so they only teach to the tests

    4)  People spend more on sports season tickets than they do on taxes to pay for schools and yet they complain about the taxes

    5)  Ignorance is glorified in churches, popular media, and sports

    Is it any wonder children don't want or don't care about learning?

  6. I simply do not believe this to be true.  Were they asking children?


    democrats and the teachers union want to dumb down America.

    I say,privatize education and America will see huge results.

    the reason dems don't want private education is because teachers union and all other unions vote democrat.

    facts are,,private schools turn out higher level students with higher graduate rates than public schools.

    Marxism promotes the dumbing down and control of student minds in order to control completely.

    Obama is 100 % SOCIALIST  

  8. Cause most teachers are dumb, irresponsible B*stards who don't have to perform anymore...they give out Rinilin for 'boredom', Prozac for depression over issues like g*y education for eighth graders.


  9. Because Americans have been dumbed down.  Schools teach kids to be worker bee clones, not to be productive, thinking citizens.  Children are not taught about the true history of the United States and its relationship to the world.  They are taught some sanitized version that glorifies the Fatherland and instills blind patriotism.  It is really sad that most people know little about their country or about any other country.  I  have spoken to Europeans and South Americans who knew more about this country than some United States citizens.

    Another reason is the fluffy propaganda that passes for news in the United States.  We get 24/7 coverage of Britney Spears but know nothing about how our government works, what is going on in the world or how the world views us.  It is sad.    

  10. Miss S. Carolina explained it quite well, there is a global map shortage...

    ever since Czechoslovakia broke up, nobody makes maps

  11. Because geography is deemphasized as opposed to math, science, or political correctness.

  12. Probably too much home-schooling...there is nothing of any interest apparently outside of the home.

  13. Teacher's Union.

  14. Because our public schools have been overrun by illegal aliens and the children of illegal aliens who couldn't care less about the USA. American women better get busy and make more babies, or this country is going to h**l!


  15. "no child left behind" in action

  16. That's a fifth of polled Americans.  They didn't ask me.  I'd have to look at the statistics of the poll in order to answer your question.  Since you didn't provide any specifics, I don't see that happening.

  17. I think we should take over the rest of the world to make it easier!

  18. Because parent(s) don't force their children to attend school. If you're going to try and open an education debate, it's not the quality of the schools or teachers, it's the fact that parenting is hurting in this country. Some of the most run down schools in Milwaukee have some of the highest scores in the state, because of solid parenting.

    If you want to improve the education system in America, build a few thousand family counseling centers in the worst areas of the country and you'll see education skyrocket.

    We have to admit to the problem before we can fix it, and building shiny new schools won't make drug mules suddenly want to sit in class all day.

  19. lol, that was sooo hilarious; Its because most of the money that SHOULD be going into teaching our children, is going into the teacher unions pockets

  20. I hope they can't find there way to the polls on election day to vote for Obama.  

  21. That's really embarassing

    I'm sure adults can't even do that

    On Jay Leno's show there's a segment called "Jay Walking",and he asks questions like this.It's truly pathetic how stupid people are

  22. Bush has about a 20% (1/5) approval rating.  Are those the

    idiots you are talking about?

  23. Those people are just ignorant. I'm a stupid nice guy mothaphucker

  24. Cuz they don't want no libul soshalistsm teachas teeching them all that soshalism.  

  25. Education systems devoting more resources to babysitting and P.C. indoctrination than to education.

  26. I don't know. It's a shocking statistic. Ignorance breeds apathy.

  27. because if you had up the amount of americans who are under age 5, have some type of mental disability, are blind etc prob adds up to one fifth

  28. Because a fifth of Americans are total morons?  

  29. I really honestly don't know.  American's skills with geography is unacceptable.  My grandpa taught college at Trenton State university (now the College of New Jersey).  He gave new students a map of PA, NJ, NY and Delaware.  Most students couldn't label 2 out of the 4 states.  How sad is that?!  Consider that most students are from NJ, a small handful were from PA or Delaware.  Ironically, most students that were not in the tri-state area got it right!

  30. Thank the NEA. They won't let you fire an imcompetent teacher.

  31. probably because 1/5th of the US is illegal immagrants and other morons who are nothing but a drain on the US society.  and whats you're source to 20% ?

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