
Why do you think chicken wing doesn't have a smelly armpit despite not using deodorant

by  |  earlier

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and yet it taste good




  1. Because it's been washed, seasoned with salt and other edible "deodorant".

  2. Wahahahahaha!!!! This is sooo funny! Only humans need deodorant. Besides, before the chicken wing is cooked, it's already cleaned and marinated. Thus acting as a "deodorant" and give the chicken flavour at the same time. Now the chickens' secret is out... the sauce they are marinated in is their "deodorant"

  3. you make me think twice...

  4. no wonder KFC in sabah smell like armpit

  5. Maybe the secret is in the feathers!

    I really must go to the market tomorrow and smell a chicken's armpit.

  6. mane tau ni???

    mesti ko cium ketiak ayam tu kan???

    baik mengaku cepat!!!

    PEACE =D

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