
Why do you think christians follow monogamy and devorce?

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I would rather follow polygamy and be happy




  1. Seems like monogamy would be more mutually satisfying, otherwise it's take a number, or sloppy seconds.

    Divorce is a relatively new Christian tradition.

  2. To be frank, the reason that Christians are monogamous is because it is stated explicitly in the Bible.  They divorce because they end up in relationships that they aren't really ready to commit themselves to.  This should not happen, but it does.  Biblically, divorce only occurred in cases of infidelity in marriage, so the average divorce is not supported by the Bible.

  3. Actually, the Bible never explicitly says anything about polygamy being against the Christian faith. People believe this because that is what they have been told, but it is actually a Catholic belief that Protestants adopted long ago.

    Many of the Patriarchs were polygamous and polygamy is never spoken against in the Law. The only place where polygamy is discouraged is among Christian bishops (Timothy 2) but that is most likely for the same reason that Paul discourages (but doesn't forbid) marriage of any Christian - because he believed that it took away from serving Christ because of the distractions of caring for  spouse...obviously leaders would only need to have one wife, because more than one would be too much of a distraction from the leader's Christian duty.

    Christians use some examples of polygamous situations that didn't work out (like Solomon) to say that the Bible speaks against polygamy, but then they leave out the parts about David (the Apple of God's eye) being polygamous as well as the patriarchs and the Law.

    Jesus never spoke out against polygamy although he did speak out against divorce....yet the majority of Christians are tolerant of divorce and consider polygamy wicked even though there is NOTHING in the Bible that says that....and the Law (Exodus - Deuteronomy) is VERY explicit. Leviticus 18 deals with nothing but sexual issues and says nothing about forbidding taking more than one wife.

    It's just another case of Christians acting out whatever society deems acceptable or unacceptable. People don't like to be different.

  4. Do you mean dee-vorce?

    I thought so...

  5. path of least resistance.  simplify and discover spiritual awakening by busying yourself with not throwing it to every person that walks by.  but divorce was not a part of it all until later- henry the 8th.  its about faith and trust and honor and keeping a d**n promise and not being so figuratively loose.  but they went with henry- some, because, well, that free will clause is a ************.  shouldn't have to wait until death to get rid of a two faced punk.  physical now happiness supercedes humility and suffering to get to the big house.    

  6. Who says polygamists can't get divorced? Or that monogamists can't stay together and/or be happy?

  7. Well marriage between a man and a woman is what God commands of us. He also commands us to be faithfull to our spouse.

    Divorce is not a Christian belief it is a legal one.

    I can't understand why a man would want more than one wife. Geez the amount of nagging and complaints are enough from one if I had multiple wives they would have to tag team me to get all their various complaints in. It would be a nag fest.

  8. Hey, if you don't mind sharing your wife with one or two other husbands, that's your deal.  

    Personally, any marriage that forces one spouse to share with another spouse is not gratifying but unsatisfying.  But hey, you seem not to mind being one of many husbands so I guess there are SOME people out there that want to do it.

  9. Typical little child. Only your happiness matters. Find like minded girls. :)

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