
Why do you think drugs are really illegal?

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And do you think it is sensible for them to be so?




  1. cigarettes and alcohol are drugs really. i know what you mean though. cant answer but gd question

  2. It's difficult to find a means of which to mazimize profits, because the outcome to legalizing drugs (I'm thinking in terms of like, marijuana) is completely unpredictable.

    Legalize them...and tax the h**l out of them is, in essence, my take on the situation.

    And it's not sensible, really. The main reason alcohol is legal today was because it, for a period of time, was made illegal after initially being legal. There was just a huge uproar, that neither conservatives nor liberals could deny the necessity of alcohol in society today.  

  3. because the government cant control the supply, no all drugs should be legalised and on sale in chemists next to the haemorrhoid cream , that would remove the glamour from it.

  4. Because it is believed they cause harm to society and not just to the user so it's perfectly sensible to make them illegal.

  5. Economic problems

    They cant be taxed

    Cause health problems which will put strain on health service

    Cost for damage caused by drug users

    Addiction will drop sales on things which make our economy but instead drugs

    Service sector will fall say goodbye to first world


    A public able to buy drugs which change peoples perception on life let alone actions will



    Moral decay

    Alcohol cigarettes are legal as they are easily taxed and have been historically used in many nations that it would be hard to ban also they dont effect you mentally as bad as the extreme drugs out there

  6. Depend of which drugs you are talking about.

    The main reason is money, it hard to tax and everyone from the dealers to the DEA is making money. Just look and the seize property the law gets.

    Look at the money lawyer make the they are the one who become politician the makes the laws.

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