
Why do you think gas prices are rising?

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You ever think that the government is actually trying to raise gas prices to makes us cut back on driving to stop global warming? Everyone thinks there just raising gas prices for the fun of it.




  1. because our president sucks at his job.

  2. Because our 'brilliant' government isn't allowing us to drill in more places.  If we could drill off the coast of Florida (where no one would be able to see it) or in Alaska (our footprint would be 2000 acres compared to the millions of acres that no one steps foot in now).  They purposefully put polar bears on the endangered species list to take land away from possible drilling sites, that is why the governor of Alaska sued to have the Polar Bears taken off the endangered species list.  Not to mention there are more polar bears now than there were 20 years ago, but pshh, details, shmetails.

  3. Because Bush "humbly" asked for help from the people who can do something about it in the middle east and they said no. No on respects us because of him.

  4. i  gas prices are running so high , becuase we are offcially running out of oil, i think were ever i sources are have loss an abonded amoiunt of supply, so theirs nothing more to do but to raise the price on something that is soon to be scarce to find

  5. It's just part of the plan that Cheney and the oil companies came up with during those top secret energy meetings just before 9-11 happened.  It's just a scam to milk all our money!  We've been ripped off by the neo-cons! Our brave soldiers died in vain for oil profits,not patriotism!

  6. Wow what a noble, selfless government we have!

  7. Neo feudalism. The elitists want to institute it... The power-full had a blast last time around and want another go at.

            That's why there trying to eliminate the middle class and constitutional rights.

           But the easiest way is through scarcity. Make fuel,food,money,shelter scarce and the mass's will be weakened.

    Look up Russia's super oil wells. This whole peak oil nonsense is just a myth.

  8. Because the gas companies are taking the advantage which were caused by unrealistic speculations. Every time some stupid economists or world figure make silly assumptions about gas price going up, these gas companies will immediately boost up the price. I mean... if you say the gas is scarce, hence the companies have the right to supply at a higher price but have you receive any report lately anything about the scarcity?

    It's exactly the same as food crisis. Everyone is talking about price hike for the food because there is shortage. May I know if you are eating lesser these days or is the grocery store that you go everyday selling less food nowadays?

  9. In my opinion, gas prices are rising for numerous reasons. Just from the top of my head: China and India, OPEC, scarcity, speculation, and Africa.

    China and India are booming countries that are now entering the world stage on a grand scale. The middle class is starting to become more and more prevalent as the nation's wealth increases. But as that grows, so does their gas consumption.

    OPEC is the main supplier of oil. They can raise or lower the price as they wish without any real penalty.

    Scarcity is obvious. As the demand rises and supply decreases, the price goes up.

    Oil is like anything else so speculation also plays a role in affecting the price. If alot of people THINK that oil is worth more, than it becomes so.

    Lastly, with all the terrorist activities on refineries in Africa lately, production is interrupted and supply destroyed, so prices goes up.

    If anything, I believe the government is honestly trying to reduce prices at the pump.

  10. I don't have all the answers but what I do know is:

    1. We have plenty of oil.  There is not s supply issue.

    2. If we drilled in places like Anwar, we could get off of foreign oil and prices would come down accordingly.

    3. The value of the dollar has a huge impact on oil prices as so many other countries economies are tied to it and it keeps plummeting.

    4. The government came up with the "brilliant" idea to divert crops from food into ethanol in an effort to reduce emissions.  Unfortunately, it doesn't have a huge impact on emissions, causes fuel efficiency to go down significantly and adds to the cost.   We should all push to eliminate ethanol from commercial gasoline TODAY!

    5. Taxes (Federal and State combined) make up more than 50% of the price of gas.  Compare that to the gross profit the oil companies make of about 19% and you see that the oil companies really aren't the villans here.

    To answer your question Why Are Gas Prices Rising? - It's mostly because of our Government's incompetence (and largely the Democratically controlled Congress) since they control the rate of tax, came up with the ethanol idea, refuse to drill in Anwar, and can't control their spending which drives the value of the dollar down.

    I agree that Bush has not been a great President, and that McCain is not a perfect successor, but if you want to see your gas prices go down, DO NOT VOTE FOR OBAMA!

  11. hahahaaa and where do u think this money goes to? well it goes into there pockets. hmmm ironic isn't it how many trees do you think they had to cut down to make that money , now do you really think they care about this planet

  12. The Democratic and liberal Republican controlled congress has blocked Bush on virtually every energy proposal - Nuclear & Oil.

    If you are voting age you can join this movement:

    Drill Here - Drill Now - Pay Less

    If your not voting age tell all adults the you know, about this movement.

  13. The price of gas is rising coz of the war goin on in iraq. Pipelines for oil r being blown up and there is less and less oil left on earth. the war in iraq also haven't helped the relation with america and iraq.

  14. scarcity problems.

    the price of gas gets high to gain more money to spend in search for better technology to get more oil.

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