
Why do you think in every country men actors are more popular than women actresses?

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In every movie advertisement, an actor's name will precede an actresses' name.




  1. what the h**l are you talking about? lol women are equally popular...

  2. they are better at acting.

  3. Because men are a higher form of life.

  4. Untrue - it is either alphabetical or by order of appearance, always. Sometimes it is based on main characters, but never intentinoally male first. Not any more at least! I don't think so.

  5. I disagree

  6. Because every society is based on patriarchy.

    It's true.  There are societies where the woman determines the family (matrilineage), and there are societies where newlyweds move in with the mother's family (matrilocal), but the concept of a matriarchal society is (unfortunately) absolute fiction.

    This isn't to say that women are powerless in all societies -- quite the opposite.  There are societies that have women elites, and societies that have women in some positions of power.  But even these societies still have men in control of at least 50% of all decision making.

    That being said, I don't think listing the woman's name second means she is less popular....  Madhuri Dixit is bound to be more popular in India than many male stars.

  7. women rolls are usually whiny and complainers  and put down men and not one wants to hear someone whine and complain or put down men

  8. because men will blow stuff up, drive a car at insane speeds through rush hour traffic and shoot the bad guy with an Uzi.  a woman will sit around talking about how all that makes her feel.  which do you think makes a better movie?

  9. i think they make more money. which is not fair to women,

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