
Why do you think it's important to vote at a young age?

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In most countries, the voting age has been reduced to 18 years old. Having recently turned 18 myself, I plan on voting whenever I get the chance. My question to you is, why do you think it's important that young members of society practice their right to vote?




  1. IMO Every child should learn how to shoot a rifle, and how to vote.  BOTH are vital to the existance of this country.

    "You cannot invade mainland United States. There would be a rifle behind each blade of grass." -Admiral Yamamoto

  2. Because if they do it correctly,they pay attention,focus,think

    and participate in something bigger than themselves.

  3. I think its important because they are beginning to flow into their responsibilities as an American citizen and are expressing their rights as an American.

  4. It is always important to vote!

    From the time I turned 18 I voted and have voted every since.

    This is 38 years I have been doing it.

  5. I'm on the fence. On the one hand I think it's vital for young people to get involved in their government and country as soon as possible. This makes them well-informed citizens who have a say in what goes on in their country. However I'm less inclined to encourage young people to voute because I find that most people between the ages of 18-23 are extremely ignorant to any idea that hasn't been shoved under their nose from a college environment. People like to think that college is a great way to learn to think for yourself, but really many people have ideas spoonfed to them and settle in a comfort zone rather than pursue further information. It's important for anyone to be an educated and active member of society, but many younger people also need to accept the responsibility of educating themselves and not just hearing one side of the story.

  6. Its important for people of all ages to vote, for much the same reasons. There are really too many reasons to write them all.

    One, if no one voted we'd have a dictatorship. The relevance of voting is its what keeps a democracy what it is, what keeps power in check. So some people have to vote...if you still want to have rights when you're pulled over, or want someone to listen on the other end when you're house is on fire. People might think its cool not to vote, but I don't think living off the fat of the land, because that's what it is, is particularly cool. Its just being selfish, "someone else will do it..." and that's not respectable, nor is it making anything better.

    The 2nd reason I'll mention is... for young people, and I'm young myself... as ridiculous and deceitful as you may think politics is... by not voting your just letting all the forces that made it that way win. Its only informed civic participation that will change anything. Which is to say, because you don't like the way things are isn't a reason not to vote, its a reason to vote. People just need to wise up and see the big picture. Someone has to step forward, and by that I mean vote. Young people, as a voting block, could sway almost any election. Basically not voting is letting what you don't like win because its winning so far. So vote, and hope enough people see the importance like you do, and that's how things change and are made better. People get the gov't they deserve.

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