
Why do you think it is that we are not designed to live a solitary life?

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Can this be answered with religion, or do you think this has to do with the science of our bodies? Or do you not even agree? Also, what is your opinion of this.... We are born good, but society turns us evil (opposite of original sin)

Thank you :)




  1. we are dependent on each other.  Each contributes to society.  For ex.  a guy goes to work to provide one service, ex. trash bags (he works for GLAD), then he comes home to enjoy products made by other ppl (Samsung tv, his house, toilet paper, etc.)  This is why free enterprise works so well.  More businesses=more contribution to society.  Each man only has one job, but comes home to benefit from the output from the jobs of many other men/women/people.

    Also, Socially, I have a theory.  

    Depression=lack of serotonin

    serotonin unites brain cells so that they can have communication b/w other brain cells.  

    I think ppl work this way too.  In other words, people are happy when they can communicate with other people.  This makes them feel comforted and reinforced by the presence of other ppl.  Its sort of a uniting thing.  Its just a theory though.

  2. We can't procreate and care for children by ourselves.

  3. That's a really interesting question. I'm not a religious person, but it is one of those things people would call a blessing and a curse. In the bible I'm pretty sure it says something about us being a reflection of ourselves (or something to that nature), so maybe we have to take a look in the mirror and see what we are meant to find. I dont' know. As for society being at fault for the so called "evil", I suspect it's a yes and no answer.  Yes because it can, no because you can too.

  4. yes it can be answered with reign the answer would that a supreme being (e.g a god) decided to make it so

    science point of view is because living as a group was gave us a better chance of survival (i agree with this one by the way)

    i don't believe in evil; we aren't 'evil' we just do things that are considered 'bad' but we have reasons for doing what we do and until we have the full circumstances then we cant judge weather an act is 'good' or 'bad'

    e.g. steeling is considered 'bad' right, well if you stole food to feed your starving family cuz you were too poor to buy it would you still classify it as 'bad'

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