
Why do you think making a four year old kid learn his letters a good idea?

by Guest64892  |  earlier

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Why do you think making a four year old kid learn his letters a good idea?




  1. You should not 'make' a four year old learn his letters.

    He should know them by four.

    A four year old should recognize all the letters, numbers and know his colors. He be able to read simple books.

    The best way for this to happen is to read to your child - every day. Even when your child is an infant, and you don't think he understands what you're saying, read every evening as a part of his bedtime routine.

    In a short while books will become (I know it sounds trite) his friends, and he will want to know how to read. You won't have to teach 'letters', but he will soon be able to read 'words'. He will understand 'letters' the first time they're explained.

    Reading to a young child now will have a positive effect on his future.

    Reading helps get your child ready for school.

    Reading “exercises” your child’s brain, makes it strong.

    It’s fun.

    It can be a special time to bond with your child.

    If you read to your child when he is young, he will take to it naturally when he is older

  2. He is 4!!!!!!! He should already know them!!!!

  3. "making" - no

    doing fun educational things where the child works with the letters and may learn them - following his lead - if he's interested in learning his letters, fine, but don't make him if he isn't interested

    reading books to your child, asking questions about the stories and the pictures, talking about the letters and how they make words

    get magnetic letters and put them on the refrigerator and just let him play with them and ask about them - maybe show him how to spell his name (be sure you have upper and lower case letters!)

  4. In general it is always a good idea to learn things early because later on you will know them more and be able to learn more advanced things easier.

  5. Who said it's a good idea to "make" a child learn? If you expose your child to lots of opportunities to be exposed to letters and words, and if you have discussions about them, and if you give him things like alphabet magnets and paper and fat pencils, and if you let her dictate stories and if your child sees you reading for fun you will have a child who is eager to learn and may know letters by four, and may not. If you really want a child to be ready for Kindergarten make sure he or she knows how to follow instructions, listen to a story, behave in a group, take turns and has a good vocabulary because there have been lots of interesting experiences in the years before. On the other hand, if you want to encourage a child to hate the idea of school and be afraid to take risks go ahead and force academic learning on a child who isn't ready or spend so much time on "drill and kill" that you forget that young children learn best through exploration and play.

  6. "making" a 4 yr old?

    i have a 2 year old who has known her letters since the age of 1.  i never made her learn anything and i have never taught her anything.  she has learned everything she knows from watching dvds and playing educational video games.

  7. As a teacher for years, I can't recall ever making a four year old kid learn letters.  I remember them wanting to learn letter sounds, but I don't recall ever making them do it.

    Hope that helps!


  8. If your 4 year old kid doesnt know his letters..then he needs to get on the ball.. if he cant read them or write them, they wont take him into the first grade. I know that if he's in preschool and he's not in kindergarten yet, he has time. If he's in kindergarten, he needs to get on the ball and learn it. Just make it fun..while you're the abc game. 'Find the letter A! find the letter B!' I was a teacher. I'm telling you, that if he doesnt know his letters by now, its going to be hard later. Dont think of it as 'making'..just do it without him knowing you're doing it.  

  9. The child will recognize letters and numbers when it is good and ready!

    I did too much with my son before he started school - he was bored out of his wits and hated school.

  10. "Making" won't work on a 4 year old.  You have to make him think it was his idea.

    Use alternative methods for learning:  writing letters in shaving cream, making them with playdough, using paint/markers/ crayons instead of pencil.

    Start with just his name if he has had no experience, using upper and lower case.  Talk about labels at the grocery store, emphasizing the sounds of the letters.

    Remember, children learn through repetition.  Just keep offering the same lessons over and over. Patience, and lots of it, is required.

  11. It's a great idea as long as it's fun. You also need to be careful that the letters you are using are in accordance with what your childs' future school will use. For example, in this font, the letter 'a' is not how they're taught to write it. The same goes for 'k' which in my son's school, has a looped upwards stroke, if you get me. It's important too, that you don't emphasise capitals over sentence case when teaching them how to write their name. There's really no harm in leaving all this for the teacher, and concentrating instead on reading to the child and fostering a love in general of language and storytelling.








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