
Why do you think minor foreign royals and nobles are attracted to the US?

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From tv I've seen some "princes and princesses" from exiled royal family live in the US, and I've heard about other real royals living in the US part time or having internships, etc.

So why do you think these priveledged people are drawn to the US, especially to NYC, LA, and Washington DC?




  1. My guess is, employment plays a big part or to put it more simply: Money.

    I know a few mentioned above work in the US, so it's reasonable to assume that job offers played a part in bringing them here.

    I'm sure there are personal reasons as well.

  2. yeah, you certainly have a sense of humour.

  3. More freedom I guess...without being tagged as the "royalty"

  4. People from all over the world, privileged or not, are drawn to the US.  Royalty is no different, but they have an easier time coming over than someone who doesn't have any money.

  5. Elvie S I just can not stop laughing at your reasons why some very minor royalty live in america.The shah of Persia was appointed Shah by the British government,an army officer of  minor rank was overthrown because he actually believed that he was more important than his people and their religion.The bloated Duchess of Pork was only too thankful for refuge anywhere,she was and still is HATED in England which is the reason that she doesn't go back unless she has to.Grace Kelly?Yes a very,very beautiful woman and had to pay more than $2,000,0000 to marry Prince Rainier.The education?Oh please don't make me laugh,who would want an american university education when there are far superior in England,even minor universities in England are better than the best in america.You may keep all of the dross,thank you,it is less of a drain on the tax payers of England.

  6. Yes, exactly. Minor. Very minor.

  7. If Paris Hilton can be considered a celebrity then perhaps they feel they can too.

  8. ------The Duchess of York, Sarah Ferguson, has lived in New York City since 2004 and works for Weight Watchers. *Yes, I understand the hatred many Brits feel for Sarah.

    ------Albert II, Prince of Monaco, earned his bachelor's degree from Amherst in political science in 1981.  His mother, American movie star Grace Kelly, married the Prince Rainer III of Monaco in 1956. *Yes, Grace was bought and paid for, but then again, she was a very attractive woman.

    -----The Ahy Khan married American movie star Rita Hayworth in 1948.  Her daughter, Yasmin Aga Khan, lives in Utah and works with both national and international Alzheimer's groups.    

    ------King Hussein of Jordan married American Lisa Halaby and made her Queen Noor in 1978.

    ------American divorcee Wallis Simpson so fascinated England's Edward VIII that he gave up his kingdom in 1936 for the woman he loved.  [Gee, Pain, I notice that you didn't mention Mrs Simpson's n**i sympathies.]

    ------Three children of the late Shah of Iraq, including the Crown Prince, now live in Potomac, Maryland, New York, and Boston. *Yes, I understand the political reasons behind the Shah's exile. Since the Brits installed the Shah, why didn't his children attend Cambridge or Oxford?

    If this sampling is any indication, royals (like many other less famous people worldwide) are drawn to the United States for either

    ------an excellent university education, *for example, Harvard, MIT, and University of California, Berkley, are world-class universities easily equal to Cambridge and Oxford--not to mention more prestigious than many red-brick, regional British universities,

    ------economic opportunites,

    ------an admiration of beautiful American women,

    ------or because the US government has granted them political ayslum.

    P. S. -- *Pain in the back, I notice that no one has questioned the beauty of American women or our sense of humor. Then again, your current Prime Minister honeymooned at Cape Cod, Massachusetts--it must be the scenery.

  9. I wasn't aware that they were drawn to the US particularly.  If that is so, who knows why?  Frankly, who cares?

  10. Let the past be bygone.  It's the IN thing to be in the United States.  This is the place for the cool and untouchable.

    Besides, the US is the only country still fascinated by royalty.

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