
Why do you think more people are interracially dating?

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Why do you think more people are interracially dating?




  1. Most people date their own.

  2. Because people are more accepting and getting over themselves!


  3. Because it takes a lot of the conversation pressure off.when dealing with other cultures there is always an explanation of why is that done that way to fill the awkward spaces.Add in the joy of showing and experiencing new foods and 1/2 the initial work of the relationship is done.

  4. It really depends on the people. They would do it because they are very open-minded and don't look at the outside of the person, they look on the inside. I'm currently in an interracial relationship and I really fell in so much love with my boyfriend.

    People need to find their soul mate and its and it shouldn't matter who the person is on the outside, it's all on the inside.

  5. Because they usually get tired of dating the same race and seeing the same attitude among that ethnic group so they become open to different races.

    and for the experience also

  6. Its a way of embracing other cultures and now people are more open to being attracted to other cultures whereas in the past it would be frowned upon. Also more people are mixed so there is no problem with it. I personally don't have a standard for race, if I like a person, I like them, so there is a high chance I'll be in an interracial relationship.

  7. I don't think it is so much about skin tone anymore. I think Mekhi Phifer is just handsome. I think people are more open to finding someone who suits their lifestyle and personality. It just doesn't matter what color your skin is. I am as pale as Casper the ghost. I need some chocolate in my life (LOL) =+)

  8. Because we're evolving more, dy bay day, and becoming more and more intelligent?

    P.S. Can I have your phone number please?

  9. Cause the black girls arent scared of me anymore :o)

  10. people are more open minded...

  11. Well people always wanted to but cultures prevented them from mixing, but now its a lot less taboo so we can.

  12. Most people don't (a lot more people stay within their own group than not) and not every country allows it to happen so often (but I'm assuming your talking about the states), but the reason why it has increased in the states compared to 60 years ago is because it is more acceptable now. Simple as that. Another reason could be because that minority groups are growing in number.

  13. As time passes, most people become more open and accepting of others.


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