
Why do you think more than 70% of Nobel prizes winners are men?

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  1. It used to be a lot higher than that until they introduced bullsh*t prizes.

  2. Tracey, i agree with you, but would like to correct one thing you said.

    College for women was availible for women wayyy before the 70s.

    My grandmother was working class and went to college in the 40s.

    Its just that the vast majority of women in that time COULD go to college, but most just married a man from an early age.

  3. superiority complex...... also power hungry

  4. I believe it is 95%.

    For the last 1 million years, for a variety of reasons, women have stayed home. It is men who have always take the chances:

    - hunting large game

    - exploring the Americas

    - creating new technology

    Women's DNA is designed to stay at home and let men explore the frontiers. Then, we a man profits from it, a woman exchanges her sexuality.

  5. Probably because women had been locked out of the sciences for a long time, and those who were doing work in the sciences often weren't credited for their efforts.

    Two Example of women scientists who missed out on the Nobel:

    Mileva Maric.  

    The controversy surrounding Einstein and his 1st wife, Serbian mathematician Mileva Maric. Granted he did give her the prize money, but she NEVER got credit for her part in the theory of relativity...and some say that Einstein even plagiarized it from Maric.  After Einstein and Maric divorced, he pretty much wiped her name out from everything. If it hadn't been for some love letters found in the 1980s, all this information would still be hidden.  PBS did a series on the Einstein-Maric collaboration back in 1990s, and there is still controversy surrounding it.

    Rosalind Franklin

    Most people know of Francis Crick, James Watson and Maurice Wilkins and their discovery of DNA...but the contributions of a British woman scientist named Rosalind R Franklin were completely ignored! She is known as the "Dark Lady Of DNA."  Some say her research was misappropriated by the three men, and therefore that is the reason she did not get the Nobel prize in this case...but it wouldn't have really mattered in the long run. She wouldn't have been awarded it anyway because the Nobel Prize is not awarded posthumously. She died in 1958 of uterine cancer. The prize for this particular discovery was awarded in 1962.

    I'm sure there were others as well. However, there have been 34 women Nobel Prize winners, and I think this is STILL quite an accomplishment and it should not be disregarded just because there aren't large numbers of women winners. Their stories should be taught more widely so as to inspire our young girls to enter the sciences and become potential future Nobel prizewinners.

  6. More men on the voting committee.  More men nominated to begin with...

  7. I don't wish to be offensive but most of those male winners have been Jewish. What does that say for people belonging to other religions?

  8. Because men have won 70% of Nobel prizes?

    Your question does not make sense.

  9. It's rigged.

  10. Because up until the 1970s, most women were not even permitted to go to college. There were only a few elite women's colleges for very wealthy women, and upon graduation, they were discouraged from entering largely "male" fields like science or economics.

    Nobels are frequently awarded for work done in decades past, so it's going to take some time for female researchers to lay down their body of work required for a  Nobel prize.

  11. It's difficult to balance what happened in the past with current situations.  In the past women were at first not allowed into higher learning institutions.  When they were finally allowed in greater number (the 1950/60s) they were usually only permitted to apply for limited professions.  For example if a man was interested in biology/science, he would be sent to medical school while a women was sent to nursing school.  However in today's world, women are becoming the majority in most American universities and soon there will be more Nobel winners who are women.

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