
Why do you think my question about flouride got removed???

by  |  earlier

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I don't understand why the question got removed I was only postying links about the dangers of flouride... like flourosis and bone cancer.

Anyone know why it could have been deleted?




  1. I didnt see it .... sorry!!!

  2. I didn't see it, sorry. What was the reason it gave you in the violation notice? Was it actually a question you were asking - or were you just giving out advice? Because, as helpful as it is when people post advice without it being a question, it is against the community guidelines being a Q&A board, and some petty person with nothing better to do will have reported it. If it WAS a question, and wasn't insulting anybody, and if the links you posted wasn't an infringement of copyright or privacy invasion, then I have no idea I'm afraid! Unfortunately Y!A is rife with trolls that delete questions or answers for no reason other than spite, I've had it done to me many times, and usually when someone reports something it gets automatically deleted by Yahoo without being checked if they have a good reporting reputation, so a lot of mistakes are made. It may be that you disagreed with someone or something in another post and they took offence and saw your question and deleted it out of malice. Human nature, huh.

  3. Mmm...Thats lame :(

    I think that more people should be aware of the dangers which out weight the benefits of flouride in both toothpaste and public water.

    With dozens of research papers and so much hard evidence, i guess i'm surprised people are still happy with their heads stuck in the sand.

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