
Why do you think nice guys finish last?

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The way things go these days, why do you think nice guys finish last (or sometimes don't even get a chance), and that women prefer guys that are arrogant and total jerks?

Also, ladies, what is your opinion on nice guys?




  1. I agree and can also be said with girls, personally I hate arrogant cocky jerks that think their god...hopefully karma will set in :) I'm a nice girl looking for a nice guy (unfortunately most all of the guys in my school are jerks)

  2. I LOVE nice guys. I don't care whether or not they finish last, that doesn't matter. I hate guys who are arrogant and jerks, even if they're super rich and good looking. Their attitude isn't attractive in the least bit.

    I think nice guys finish last because the a******s plow them over in the competition and cheat the nice guys.

    It's better to be nice though.

  3. bad boys are more exciting i guess

    you can give me thumbs down but it won't make it any less true :']

    sorry but a lot of girls do like to have actual MEN

  4. I think most girls need the bad guy to upset their parents/ I finally found my nice guy, and I am glad I was mature enough to realize that he was what I needed

  5. ill tell ya right now thats just a stupid stereotype! not all girls prefer bad guys, some (including me) prefer the good ones. (personally i think ya gotta have pretty bad taste in guys to go for the bad ones)

    i think good guys are plenty more worth my time than bad ones. they are WAY better. i think lowly of bad boys & quite highly of the good kind.

    edit: btw "G-steamer", its kinda funny... ive never even HEARD of the cleveland steamer!!! what is w/ all the stereotyping in this stupid naive world?????

    edit: i guess "cool" hasnt had very good experience w/ women to be saying that kinda c**p. *women WANT to be abused.... what the frig planet r u from???* THATS one of the reasons i keep having sec. thoughts of ever getting married or even dating!!! (at least dating would be easier 'cause u can get out easier.. w/ marriage its, like, final.)

  6. Nice guys don't finish last,

    men who don't know themselves, have no confidence, want to drain you...

    NIce women love nice guys, but no one wants a doormat.

    It is almost as cliche as females saying, "he used me".

    NO one does anything you don't let them do.

  7. cuz they get pushed around

    plus its not arrogant

    dude be like me

    im soft nice and VERY understnading (im a phsycoanalysist)

    but im also confident cocky but im not mean

    i guess u culd call me a 'jerk' but im not an a*****e

    but dude listen to me from someone who learns from the greatest player in the DC area DO NOT LISTEN TO THE OTHER GIRLS!!!!!

    nice guys just try hard to impress women, but if u stand confident seeing urself as the prize, making the woman prove herself to u is much more sexey.

    ok u can be a nice guy and ull be ther friend

    or u can play it dangerus like me and becum ther lover

  8. Nice guys are your secret,  you tell all your friends they are jerks

    that way they don't try to steal them!!!

    They are Keepers!

  9. women want a nice guy, but will walk all over them. women want someone to control them and even abuse them. i know women are going to get mad at this, but it is true. they even know women who are in these types of relationships and wonder why they stay. nice guys are chumps and women know this. the nicer you are too them the meaner they are to you, but the meaner you are to them the more they want you. it is crazy, but that's the way it is

  10. I think nice guys get used.

    I hate conceited guys.

  11. I don't know why I always end up being friends with the nice guys and end up dating all the jerks...

  12. I think nice guys finish last because they aren't agressive enough to stand up for themselves. Personally, I'm one of those people who lets everyone walk over me because I'm too shy to say "No" or "Stop" or stand up for myself, so I guess I prefer guys who aren't jerks, but aren't afraid to stand up for themselves either =)

  13. i've been searching for a nice guy forever.. i definitely don't want the jerk type.

    i think nice girls like nice guys.

  14. I love nice guys.

    It always seems nice guys are taken though.

    I met a really nice guy today, he was perfect but taken.

    Go figure.

  15. i LOVE nice guys

    the guys that are arrogant and total jerks are just stupid and a big fat pain in the ***!

  16. I'm a nice guy ,I don't steal from the Church on sundays ,I do it during the week instead ,and women still don;t like me

  17. nice guys finish last because they are none aggressive

    but the bible says that the meek shall inherit the earth .

  18. they don't cheat.

  19. nice guys don't finish last in my book :)

  20. You may think nice guys finish last, but in the end they are the happiest because they missed out on the drama.

    Nice guys are preferable...especially if they have a bit of a wild side. And let's face it, most of us do to an extent.

  21. You're probably looking for the wrong types of ladies. The types that would go for bad guys. And besides, I don't think nice guys finish last, just weak guys. Nice guys can be strong too.

  22. Because nice guys are easier to walk on. Bad guys don't take any c**p and appear more masculine. Every women says she wants a nice guy but ends up with a macho insensitive jerk. Think about it. Show that you have more power than them, have confidence and drop the sensitive act because it doesn't work. Trust me! Women will deny this but it works.

  23. We women are stupid and we're usually the first to admit it.  We acknowledge that we'd love a sweet "nice guy" but 9/10 times we fall for the bad boy who breaks our heart.

  24. I prefer nice guys.

    The only reason they finish last is because they step aside for the jerks, instead of shove through everyone else.

  25. i don't prefer jerks

    i love nice guys

    they're just so hard to find these days

  26. they don't. i love nice, sweet, shy guys. they're always the best.  

  27. because the arrogant jerks exude confidence, in which nice guys try to hard to impress them

  28. That's Life

  29. you wouldnt get true answers from the ladies

  30. I think that girls love those bad boys.

    I think that women love and settle down with the nice guys.

  31. nice guys make good frends

    dirty jerks make boyfriends

    but hei i never dated a nice guy,, Lol

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