
Why do you think parents get so upset when their daughters get pregnant?

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How does HER having a baby imact the family?




  1. they don't wanna be grandparents, makem feel old

  2. Why do you get on here all the time and ask stupid questions?

    In my state, NY, the parent has to pay support towards the teens baby until the teen turns 21. My grandma and grandpa had to do that with my sisters Coleigh and Khloe and me. My mom had us before she was 21.

    Also because they don't get to lead a normal life.

  3. Parents get upset because they don't want to lose their baby. It's not only the mothers parents, but it's the fathers too. Parents also know how hard it is to raise a baby. They're trying to protect you. I'm a 17 year old mother, and truthfully, it hasn't I'mpacted anyone besides me. I mean yes, my mother pays for everything (she wants to, I told her I could very well pay for everything myself, but she insisted on it, so no, im not dependent on mommy), but that's the only way she's been affected. That, and I moved like a thousand miles away, but that has nothing to do with the baby.

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