
Why do you think people are flat out jerks via internet?

by  |  earlier

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Just a random question. I've been an avid board visitor and online game player for a few years now and it hasn't escaped my notice that many people I encounter via internet are grade A jerks. Why is that? Why do ya'll think so?




  1. That's because it's a thousand times easier to be mean on the computer. It's almost like not saying mean and hurtful things out loud, because you just type them.  

  2. Because they can be without the worry about the reactions of the other person.

  3. Because they know you can't do anything about it. It's not like you can beat them up or anything. It makes them feel big. I assure you, these same jerks that you run into via internet are big wussies in person.  

  4. most of the jerks on the internet are wussies in real life who get walked on regularly. On line they can dish it back out without fear of reprisal.

  5. Because you don't know the people your talking to...There not going to be deeply offended by what you say so it don't really matter.

    ******** ******

  6. ther some dumb nerds who dont have a life and play world of warcraft all day and stlack ppl on myspace

  7. they cannot see you so they feel comfortable

  8. I read an article about this somewhere... It basically said people are their true selves online because they are protected behind a computer screen :)

    Otherwise in real life, people wouldn't have the guts or the nerve to say some of the things they do.

    It's the same reason I shy away from message boards and online games. It's best to play online games with people you know offline, in my opinion. It's really hard to find people that aren't jerks on online games.

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