
Why do you think people are so sensitive in GWS? Do you think these are the people who report?

by  |  earlier

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I was REALLY sensitive at first because I couldn't catch the 'body langauge' of these people in this section but over time, I'm pretty easy going, joking questions and all...However, I noticed that people who may have been here longer than my short time are....Uber Sensitive....An example? . I posted a question, which was really a small little joke for both men and women. Most people found it funny, which I'm happy for....but man..when some of these people b*tch, they take it to another level. I'm really starting to think that these over senitive people are the ones who are doing the reporting.....Then again, I'm being as crazy as a certain person who I don't care to mention right now, as she is killing me with the conspiracies! What do you guys think? And it would be really nice if these sensitive people just came out in the open. I found that some of these "trolls" are people too. :). I'm just curious. I know the b******s won't come out anyway.




  1. s***w 'em, some people search for reasons to be offended.

  2. You have to destroy the bridge for the trolls to come out.

    While a few of them might be sensitve, I think that most of them are hostie.

  3. You don't need people like that; there's nothing wrong with joking around; Tehebwa can't understand that; by all means report her; life isn't all seriousness; all the time.

  4. I don't think the people here are as sensitive as people in other sections of YA.  It's much worse elsewhere.  I think that if someone has a problem with the questioner, then they should just address that problem in their answer instead of reporting them.  

    There are many passive aggressives in this world who are always afraid to stand up for themselves.  s***w em.

  5. i have got 2 questions reported in this section , but i know who it is because a friend of mine works at yahoo stuff , so i guess THIS PERSON is screwed from now on ! BEWARE IF YOU ARE READING !

  6. Yeah, some of these guys and their flaming bogeyman feminazi conspiracy theory and male entitlement delusions get pretty pathetic and they lose their sense of humor really fast when it gets even a little too tough for them.  The titty-babies, the guys with "mommy issues" especially, emotionally fall all apart at the drop of a pin and threatened to knock the teeth down women's throats, bomb us, slap us, beat us up, question why they can't rape us or grope us or harass us in public, call us biatches,liars, pedophiles, ho's, ugly, inferior, stupid, weak, hairy, clone us, report us just because they don't like the person, send us death threat e-mails, shoot the messenger, blame us for everything from sun spots to their zits, get their pseudo-reasoning knickers in a knot in the face of facts and intelligence and Community Guidelines and whine like two year olds.   It's been much worse here in the past with morons and trolls, through.  I think it's getting better.  Maybe it's just me not caring so much anymore about dishonorable people who just want to whine and put women down or people who would threaten to knock women's teeth out on a daily basis like rabid dogs.  I've never given up on people before, because I know people act weak and stupid when they're afraid or hurting.  But, I finally got tougher skin here when I realized I had been playing into that female "gender" role expectation of showing maternal "extra" caring.   But, I am not anyone's mother here, or nurse or punching bag or doormat.  Bullies are fundamentally the biggest cowards on the planet and they DO get whiney, hyper-sensitive and lose their sense of humor when people stand up to them. Oh, well.  Hard cheese. lol

  7. Trust no one . . . and bring Chinese food if you want more information . . . I must go now . . .say nothing of my visit here . . .

  8. People seem to come in highly offend able, with a political agenda and sensitive to anyone who disagrees and leave very apathetic and less sensitive

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