
Why do you think people dont realise that the new positive discrimination laws are sexist and racist?

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my person view is because of the lack of knowledge of the real facts about gender figures in countries.

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  1. LOL, so basically, everyone has to give up children?

  2. Ever heard the phrase, "It takes a theif to catch a theif."  It takes  (reverse) discrimination to end discrimination.

  3. Affirmative action effectively counters the slimy sexism and bogotries women face in pay, the underhanded discriminations that have kept women down.  The reason why men need to like take a deep breath and exhale slowly saying a tranquil mantra about affirmative action is it's only going to get worse.  You see, governments are being crushed by the consequences of racial and sexist discriminations which hold large segments of the population in poverty.  The majority of people who live in poverty are women and children who then require social services at a HUGE cost to governments.  Affirmative action counters that sexist based poverty and gets people off welfare.  Economic organizations like the World Bank / U.N. / Millennium Goals have made an utter iron-clad vow to stabilize societies and significantly reduce poverty in the next ten years through WHATEVER means.  You BET it's sexist.  Hard cheese.  Take it up with the Big Boys if it bothers you.

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