
Why do you think people would post the same question on Yahoo! Answers more than once?

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Do you think it's because they want to get more opinions from different people or is it because they have too much time on their hands?

And what do you think of people who complain about people posting a question more than once?

I came across this question and about two of the responses were complaints about how the questioner asked his/her question twice.




  1. I think alot of them (me included once in awhile) do it because they are not getting any answers, or their question is buried, and they need help a.s.a.p.  Sometimes new people will come on, and you can get a whole slew of new answers.

    The one time I did it was to ask about the tests and symptoms for Autism.  I wasn't sure which category to put it in, so I posted it in "Special Education" - and "Parenting".

    Glad I did.  I received good answers from two perspectives, rather than none at all.  I was really worried.

    I'm not talking about some of the kids who ask "How hot Nick Jonas is" 5 times a day by the same asker.

    I mean, real questions seeking knowledge.

    I'm fine with it that way.

    And people will always complain.  Fix their complaints, and they'll find something else to complain about, trust me!! :)

  2. In many cases it is the case that the person wants to validate their own personal opinion. They want to hear this rather than open their mind and consider that there just might be another way to go. It is the same as if it was an in person thing.

    Half the time someone posts the same thing over and over and are upset that they did not get much of an answer.....and they have no details. Well you take the first few answers and modify the question. It is called thinking.

    If I see an emancipation or how to make money on line thing, or a run on text speak thing I skip it. Some people can be helped but some are fools and they could get the answer elsewhere in two minutes.

  3. sometimes the first time you post you do not get many replies or the reply your looking for. i only do it if i don't get many replies otherwise its a waste of 5 points

  4. If you see a question and there are complaints about asking the same question multiple times, do a search on YA for that question, using keywords from the sentence in bold type. See how many times that same question has been asked. I did that with the 'how does a 14 yr old find work online' question and it had been asked, virtually word for word, over 200 times in all different categories. Every time, one responder came in quickly with the identical answer. People get tired of this kind of thing cluttering up YA's.

  5. I think some people are probably desperate for answers, or maybe they feel like they didn't get enough answers. I don't care if they post it more than once. I don't have to go through each and every question. If I don't like it, I don't answer it. Simple as that.

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