
Why do you think?

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lower econmic class people tip more at restaurants? Is it becuse most of them worked there before? Wealthy people never tip and middle class/familes are so-so. Older people imo are the absolute worst- never tip and demanding. Now that i work fats food we don't get tips, but i still wonder. Thoughts? ( btw- not everyone is like the way ive said some older people are nice, some wealthier people tip nice and some lower people dont, but 8/10 times it is the way i described)




  1. I have no idea why,although the lower economic class understands how it is to work hard for low wages and they tend to have a Heart,while others have a who cares attitude,and why I can only assume greed plays a big part! For the most part,I agree with you on all you have said!

  2. I used to work at IHOP and when I was there, lower economic class people usually didn't tip that well. In my case it was mostly 20 year olds, seemingly middle class people that tipped the most. But yeah, I agree about the old people. We would have a old couple come in every other day and order the same thing. And they would always leave $1 on the table and they would make sure they gave it to their waitress/waiter because they wanted to make sure no one stole it. And when they left out of the restuarant, they would hop into their Mercedes. But they were nice people and after a while I stopped worrying about the money and really got to know them (I called them Bonnie and Clyde...can't remember their real names). But yeah sometimes it's weird because you'll be waiting on a table of seemingly lower class people with 123 children (not literally) and they need their cups refilled every 10 minutes and you think you're doing all this work for nothing and they leave you the biggest tip and sometimes you'll get the nice, wealthy looking couple who will leave $1. I had to stop waitressing because it was too unpredictable and I decided that I needed a steady check. LOL!

  3. well yeah people who have been in that position before will give more of a tip but not every old man is grumpy some will pay up and rich people well god knows what thell do

  4. try to think positive...
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