
Why do you think.......?

by Guest65954  |  earlier

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that the government continues to deny the existense of UFO'sghosts and things like that.




  1. because the government is corrupt and has so many things to hide. They want the people of this country to remain in the dark about everything

  2. Source Reveals Secret UFO Meeting at U.N.

    by Michael E. Salla, Ph.D  

    "The source's reference to suicides is probably related to those who will learn that much of what they have learned and believed over a lifetime was a lie.

    "The 1961 Brookings Report referred to scientists as being most vulnerable to the disclosure of extraterrestrial life since it will make redundant many of the cherished scientific theories and models held by this community."

  3. There have been many top secret files leaked to the public that said "We do not want to deal with a Mass-Hysteria".Just look at these top secret files,they are very interesting:

  4. The government lies about everything, even the things it doesn't need to lie about.  They are all barking mad.

  5. Why would they not deny something that, as far as the evidence record is concerned, never happened?  There is absolutely no evidence Earth has been visited by ET creatures or vehicles.

    The real question is why, in light of a complete lack of evidence, do you continue to believe in ET UFOs?  Once you are able to honestly answer that question you'll know why the rest of us don't agree with you.

  6. The government doesn't deny they existence of UFOs, since a UFO is an Unidentified Flying Object. What it denies is that UFOs are extraterrestrial space vehicles from another world.

    They deny that because there is no evidence they are from outer space and/or intelligently operated. . They are merely UFOs --something that is flying, that we can't identify.

  7. Any sensible person ought to demand proof of such things.

    Extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence.

  8. Maybe they don't know for sure...or are protecting us against ourselves...or are protecting those entities from us...

    Could be a number of reasons...if those exist at all...which I THINK they do but I probably will never know until I see one for myself anyway...

  9. The same people who are telling you that these things do not exist are going to start a really BIG problem.  We tried to stop this in 1987.  NOW they are putting a test in space?  I have an open ion!  Star Wars is at the Gates!

  10. The government loves it when people conform to the "flock" mentality.

  11. two possible reasons - one, mass panic and loss of control of the public. two - the aliens are the ones actually in control.

  12. Because they're afraid of the panic it will cause they're putting it off as long as they can. If you were in charge of the country..wouldn't you keep those things secret?  They realize that we know things about it. I think they're letting us get adapted to the idea before they spring it on us.

    Edit..Did the govt. also say that there is "no evidence" of terrorists too...before 9/11?? What's it called? Ostrich!!!

  13. sneak into the whitehouse hold the president hostage then ask them to broadcast the truth on air.

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