
Why do you think so many Republican Senators are not going to the GOP Convention?

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Chuck Hagel and Olympia Snowe I can understand that they would not want to be seen next to the war mongers but so far there are at least 8 that will not go. Oh yeah, Ted Stevens is one but we know he will be busy with his indictment for corruption.




  1. McCain was a poor choice (I would've preferred Rudy, myself) and his choice for VP was an abysmal blunder.

    The GOP just ain't what it used to be.

  2. Because there is no GOP...just two Democratic ones!

    They are the same now...

    Barr 2008

    Romney 2016

  3. Because a Category 4 hurricane is about to hit the gulf coast.

  4. There are too many hot milfs at the convention (Cindy, Sarah, Laura) and therefore, their wives don't let them go.

  5. I think it's pretty obvious.  The Republican 'brand' is totally messed up right now. Many Republican senators and congressmen are not too keen on being associated too closely with the party. Bush has done some serious damage to the GOP.  Congressional Republicans are like rats deserting a sinking ship.

  6. A few people will also be outside the convention...

    Something about a revolution... *wink*

  7. They probably don't want to have to explain McCain's sudden unexplainable campaign tactics.

    "The party brand is in tatters," said the aide. "The president is highly unpopular. There doesn't seem to be much excitement around the candidate. And there's a real fear of being tagged with the Republican label and being seen with George Bush."

  8. I can't answer you  if you do not list who you are referring to.

  9. because they dont like McCain and sarah and gustav will be their.

  10. Because Republicans work. Democrats love to get together and congratulate eachother on their collective brilliance. We don't have that luxury. Too many social programs to pay for from Roosevelt, Wilson, Carter and Clinton. Our guys have to work to pay the bills and keep America safe.

  11. The only war mongers that exsist are the ones you listen to inside your head. A typical liberal rant, always whining, crying, and demanding. Drama lovers too. Suit yourself.

    McCain\Palin 08!

    NOBama 08!

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