
Why do you think so many males become addicted to computer games. gambling,alkohol .... ?

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Why women become addicted less often than men?




  1. couple points:

    1. men have a harder time dealing with their emotions. this causes them to be much more prone to depression and associated behaviors, such as addiction.

    2. women have an equal amount of addictions, but they are in different things. instead of video games, the female equivalent would be romance novels or soap operas.

    3. Who says men are more prone to these addictions? All the research I've seen says that addiction can hit anybody at any time. There's nothing genetically programmed into men to be addicted. Also, last I saw, enrollment in Alcoholics Anonymous was equally men and women.

  2. I believe addiction (or addictive personalities, per se) is genetic, and has nothing to do with gender.  There is probably the stigma that men tend to be addicted to things a little bit more, however.  Just watch any random episode of COPS and see how many substance abusers are male vs. female.

  3. I think your premise is flawed.  There is no correlation between s*x and addiction.  I've seen lots of women dumping all of their husband's/ex-husband's money into slots!  Women tend to be more secretive about it though.  There are a lot of women addicted to gambling, alcohol, and shopping! ;)

  4. There is no real split between gender and addiction and just men are more prone to be seen with their addiction.  All you need to do is walk in any gambling hall in the US or Europe and you will notice that is is mainily women who are gambling on the slots and the men sit around the table with women playing BJ etc...

    It is much harder for a female to admit she has an issue over men and they are better at hiding things.

    Addiction is 50/50 (men/women)

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