
Why do you think some marriages are very happy and others arent?

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Why do you think some marriages are very happy and others arent?




  1. There are so many factors or causes that can make a marriage happy or not. But I think to summarize it all, when a spouse doesn't get his/her expectations in the marriage that's when being unhappy starts.

  2. I have been in both situations and it comes down to compatibility and capability of your intended spouse's ability to love you unconditionally and roll with you any way the road goes and love it all the way!

  3. Because some people are committed to making their spouse happy, while others are more focused on themselves.  Selfishness always breeds unhappiness.  Marriage requires hard work and dedication.  Every relationship has its ups and downs.  Only those who are willing to accept this fact and work through the challenges will succeed long-term.

  4. In a good marriage you can't be selfish. You need to compromise just to make your partner happy sometimes. It also helps if you have the same outlook on life (religion, how many kids you want/how you want to raise them, where you want to live, etc.).

  5. Some people put up with being unhappy and some people don't.

    Some people like to talk about their problems and some people don't.

    Some people are honest and some people are dishonest.

    Some people have a conscience and some people don't have a conscience.

    The list goes on and on........

  6. Some get married for the wrong reasons. some think that love is all they need, and some don't believe that s*x is a big part of two people getting together, and some just want to chase the freshest fish in the sea not realizing that those fish do get old and rotten!

  7. marriage is like a job you have to work at it and some get tired are just give up on there marriage.then the cheating starts are they start distancing there self from the situation none of this helps the situation.and there are those marriages that seems to be going great. remember this in a mariage a person only treat you the way you allow them to treat you.

  8. Some are happy and some aren't pending on both people involved. It takes two people to make a marriage work. I don't care how difficult, how easy, how tough it may be but it takes two people for a marriage to be succesful otherwise it will go down the drain.  

  9. Becasue most marry who they think they can change. You need to like who you are with before you marry becasue you cant and wont change the other person.

  10. to things make and break a marriage,

    money is the problem in most that end.

    lack of eaffection, not s*x is the second.

    If you have a open line of communicationn with your partner, you can work out most problems  we have for 32 years now.

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