
Why do you think some people end up living on the street?

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How can these people be helped?




  1. they were born to poor fammily

    they have mental illness

    they got evicted

    they couldnt pay rent

    I know that there is this event in boston where people make a bag lunch and share it with a homeless person, ive never been but i heard about it.

    volunteer at your local food shelter, i know there are places who let people sleep the night have a meal and then they have to leave during the day , if there isnt one near where you live try and get some people together to get one running( where i live its called father bill's because a priest founded it, its not much, i visited with my church youth group and we brought food for them and they showed us around, they also do other stuff to try and help these people i think they look for jobs and whatever.)

    anyway, thats all i could think of

  2. Many reasons.

    For some it's better than living at home.

    For some it's a vicious cycle, can't get a job without a permanent address etc....

    For some it's other issues, mental etc...

    For some it's a choice

  3. the majority who stay homeless typically have a mental disorder or they are drug addicts.  there are many people who are homeless for a short period, i've met quite a few of them in my profession. these people usually crash at a friends and don't spend every night sleeping on a park bench.  

    you can't help someone who doesn't want to be helped if you take someone with a mental disorder off the streets 9 out 10 times they end up right back.

  4. The leading causes are Drugs and Mental illness. These people can be helped by moving into a homeless shelter and by programs in the community.

  5. I think a lot of these people have mental problems and/or addictions.  I am not sure what we can do to "help" them other than try to give them the counseling and proper medicines that they need, but because they are grown adults it's not like we can imprison them against their will, and sometimes they are so off that they don't want help or can't receive help.  So... it is a problem that will go round and round.

  6. While there are a lot of reasons, some good and some not so good,

    there is one that always seems to get eluded, kind of the proverbial

    lost in the shuffle catogory if you will, and that is that over the years,

    admit it or not, not everybody that's homless, started from the bottom,

    and i don't mean the obvious, that the ones at the top lost it all due to

    a tragedy, i mean Credit Card Abuse, due to out of control excessive

    i want it! and i want it yesterday, over spending attitude, and eventualy

    developing a false security state of mind, which btw, is ironically more

    prevalalent with the educated degree crowd,  than the macdonalds

    bunch . . .

    I can't even begin to imagine the horror of it all for whatever the reason,

    but i'm less inclined to show mercy for those who are so arrogant as to

    think that it could never happen to them simply cause they'd never let

    it happen to them . . .

    If people knew who was really running this country, i think they would

    have less issues with those, who it takes less courage to look down

    upon than it does to go after the b******s. who while we knock the

    homless, the upper crust are knocking us and yet we rather remain

    blind to it, as we sit on our thrones of mediocraty, ignoring them as

    much as we've gotten use to ignoring the homless, or maybey one

    should say the harmless, cause compared to these secret subversive

    governments, ironicaly, we may soon be enving the homlesss, instead

    of condeming them . . .

    peace, instead of pieces . . .

    someone, than to

  7. because they dont work, u can help by giving them money U earn

  8. There are so many possible reasons.

    I myself think that financial problem is the most important reason of being homeless. As my dear friend said" Some people say that most people are only two weeks away from homelessness, so if you became unemployed, after two weeks you would no longer be able to afford anything and would be forced onto the street because you could not afford your rent or mortgage payments." I think the best solution is that people's job. The most important danger of homelessness is  that  have an addict  issues (mental), habits (drugs, alcoholics). We should NOT give them money, because they may waste it on drugs, or whatever, a good way to help would be to buy them a meal or stop and give them some food, or maybe a lift to the soup kitchen or the homeless shelter.

    On other reasons

    they dont work, u can help by giving them money U earn

    They were born to poor family

    they have mental illness

    they got evicted

    they couldn't pay rent

    had no insurance, no one to live with or help you.

  9. They make bad choices early in life, like selling drugs, etc. Then they usually have no family. So if they go to jail, and then later when they get out, they have no where to live but on the streets. They can't be helped until first they learn how to motivate and help themselves

  10. Well for many reasons, I have thought about this myself. One they have issues (mental), habits (drugs, alcoholics), bad choices in life, some like living the "camper" life rather then work.

    I have known people who just hate to work, don't feel bad for them. I use to and admit sometimes I still do. Especially, when I see runaway teens out on the streets.

    What it comes down to can't help someone who doesn't want to be helped, no matter how many hands we give them. Life is a struggle, fortunately there are alot of people who want to help. Never give up, is my motto but it isn't everyones.

  11. There are so many possible reasons.

    Some people say that most people are only two weeks away from homelessness, so if you became unemployed, after two weeks you would no longer be able to afford anything and would be forced onto the street because you could not afford your rent or mortgage payments.

    Could have been kicked out because they had cheated, did something really wrong. For some young people they may have been kicked out after their parents found out they were homosexual or something.

    House burnt down, had no insurance, no one to live with or help you.

    Born to people living on the street and have to accept that way of life.

    Just decide to do that, some people actually like living on the street.

  12. so they can take advantage of the welfare system.

    solution: abolish the federally funded welfare system.

  13. typically most of them have mental problems and don't want to own anything.  also they make a pretty decent living if they are in a busy enough area.  Peddlers in NYC probably make more than I do, and im middle class.  Pity they spend most of it on drugs or booze.

  14. they are probably drug addicts or have mental problems

  15. they are usually anti-social,and find some peace living to themselves,they probably dont have the capacity either to maintain a lifestyle expected by those around them

  16. well, in America, it is a lot of times because people are lazy and don't want to get a job, gamblers(and lost), or they are addicted to drugs and alcohol, and they waste all their money on that. Other times it is because of a serious issue, like their house burnt down, or there family dies and they can no longer afford the house by themselves, or, in an extreme case, it was destroyed by a something like a hurricane. a good way to help them is to NOT give them money, because they may waste it on drugs, or whatever, a good way to help would be to buy them a meal or stop and give them some food, or maybe a lift to the soup kitchen or the homeless shelter

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