
Why do you think some people have trouble being outgoing?

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Like, I'm not shy, and I love meeting people. But I have trouble talking to people sometimes. Or with being confident that whoever you're talking to wants to talk to you too.

What would you do about that?




  1. You're probably nervous when you meet somebody new.

  2. I am shy and avoid social gatherings.  When forced to be in the company of people, I have a method of having a productive and interesting conversation: ask questions about the other person's place of orgin.  Example:  New Orleans ask about the French Quater and the french inspired foods..  Kansas: what do people do outside of the farm industry?   People usually are open to talking about their place of origin.  Or their college.  Friends from the distant lands, China, Japan, Australia.   The key for me is to just ask about the other person.  Usually, they have a wealth of information that can be educational to you and comforting to the other person.  We all like the familar.  

  3. Start taking some chances.  You're going to be disappointed by other people from time to time, but you cannot control how they are going to act.  You just need to make sure you're not letting yourself down by not putting yourself out there.  And you're not going to be confident at first...but it's like a sport, you have to practice to get good at it and stay on top of it.  Relating to other people is something every single human being in this planet needs to work on, and everyone will be working on it until the day they die.  Yes, even Oprah.

  4. Some people are naturally introverted, and they don't like to venture out and talk to others.  They would rather keep to themselves and stay quiet.  Meeting people for the first time is hard because you have no idea who that person really is until you get to know him/her.  

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